
覧一文論載収【チュラロンコン大学(タイ・バンコク)】773武藤 明徳74林 昌彦75松本 安生神奈川大学人間科学部Naraporn SOM-BOONNADepartment of Microbiol-ogy, Omics Sciences and Bioinformatics Center, Faculty of Science 76Tanakarn MONSHU-PANEE77Department of Biochemis-try, Faculty of ScienceCheewanun DachoupakanSIRISOM-BOONDepartment of Microbiol-ogy, Faculty of Science 78Onruthai PINYA-KONGBioremediation Research Unit, Department of Microbiology Faculty of Science79Patiparn PUNYA-PALAKULDepartment of Environ-mental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering80Aksara PUT-THIVIDHYAPatcharee RITPRA-JAKNutthita CHUAN-KRERKKULDepartment of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of EngineeringDepartment of Microbiol-ogy and Immunology, Faculty of Dentistry818283Metallurgy and Materials Science Research Institute大阪府立大学大学院工学研究科物質・化学専攻化学工学分野神戸大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻リチウムイオンの高速・高純度濃縮回収プロセスの開発(2012年採択)活性炭−空気による環境に負荷をかけない究極的な酸化プロセスの開発と持続可能な社会に必要な機能性化合物の環境調和型合成(2013年採択)AR(拡張現実)技術を用いた気象災害リストと気候変動リスクの重畳的情報提供手法の構築に関する研究(2014年採択)教授教授教授Assist. Prof. Assist. Prof. Lec-turerAssist. Prof.Assist. Prof. Assist. Prof. Lec-turerLec-turerBacterial communities on facial skin of teenage and elderly Thai female(Project 2014)Increased bioplastic production in divergent photosynthetic microalgae: An efficient conver-sion of solar energy and carbon dioxide to bioplastic by Calothrix scytonemicola TISTR 8095(Project 2014)Early Detection of Ochratoxigenic Fungi on Green Coffee Beans by Near Infrared Spectroscopy(Project 2014)Developing the granular bacteria from bacterial consortium PCY for pyrene-contaminated soil bioremediation(Project 2014)Adsorption mechanisms and interactions between pharmaceutical residues and natural organic matters on surface modified superparamagnetic adsorbents(Project 2014)Potential Geothermal Heat Pump (GHP) Applica-tion in Thailand and Japan(Project 2014)Influence of mechanical-stress induced human dental pulp cells on osteoclast/ odontoclast formation and function(Project 2014)Powder injection moulding of porous Ni-YSZ anode for solid oxide fuel cell(Project 2014)環境研究海外研究助成

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