覧一文論載収9School of Life Sciences and Technology95Tjandra AnggraeniRajesri GOVINDA-RAJUIndustrial Systems and Techno-economics Re-search Group Faculty of Industrial TechnologyDepartment of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum EngineeringInorganic and Physical Chemistry Research Division, Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesDept. of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesNuclear Physics & Bio-physics Research Division, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesProgram Studi Teknik Geofisika Faculty of Mining and Petroleum EngineeringResearch Group on Re-gional and Rural Planning, School of Architecture, Planning and Policy DevelopmentPhysics Program Study Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesAlgebra Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesInorganic and Physical Chemistry Research Division, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences96Hasian P.Septoratno Siregar9798Ismunandar99Zaki Su'ud100Abdul WARIS101Fatkhan102Wilmar SALIM103Rahmat Hidayat104Intan MUCHTADI105Veinardi SuendoRe-searcherRe-searcherProf. Prof. Prof. Re-searcherRe-searcherRe-searcherRe-searcherRe-searcherRe-searcherIntegrated Pest Management : Effects of Plant Bioinsecticides and Entomopathogenic Fungi Combinations to Insect Pest Anatomy Damage and Their Immune Proteins Content(Project 2014)The Development of Framework for Manufactur-ing Execution Systems Design and Implementation(Project 2014)Mathematical Modeling for Intermittent Gas Lift to Maximize Oil Production Rate in Low Produc-tivity Well(Project 2014)Direct Cobalt Deposition on Novel Zeolite with Fibrous Morphology and Its Activity in Fischer Tropsch Reaction(Project 2014)Design Study of Modular Long-Life Gas Cooled Fast Reactors for Underground Applications(Project 2014)Analysis of Nuclear Spent Fuel Direct Recycling in PWR using SCALE-6 and ENDF/B-VII Nucle-ar Data Library(Project 2014)Wavelet Analysis for Biot’s Poroelastics Medium and Physical Model Using Core Samples of Sandstones Ngrayong Formation(Project 2014)Industrial Deconcentration in Bandung Raya Metropolitan Area(Project 2014)Design of Lasers Medium Based Nd3+ doped Bismuth Borate(Project 2014)Implementation of Accelerated Pollard Rho for Security of Elliptic Curve Cryptography(Project 2014)Development Linearly-Polarized Photolumines-cence Technique as An Observation Method Of N-H Tautomerism Effect In Porphyrin Crystals(Project 2014)
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