
覧一文論載収11Geodesy Research Group Faculty of Earth Sciences and TechnologyBiochemistry Division, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesNuclear Physics and Biophysics Research Division, Physics Depart-men Faculty of Mathemat-ics and Natural SciencesEngineering Physics Program Faculty of Indus-trial TechnologyEngineering Physics Program Faculty of Indus-trial TechnologyDivision of Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences117Hasanuddin Z. ABIDINFida Maday-anti Warganegara118119Sidik PERMANAR. Sugeng JokoSARWONO120121F.X. NugrohoSOELAMI122Enny RatnaningsihFaculty of Industrial TechnologyHardianto IRIDIA-STADI123Division of Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences and TechnologyGeodesy and Geomatics Engineering Faculty of Earth Science and Technol-ogyMaelita Ramdani MOEIS124Bambang EdhiLEKSONO125I Nyoman Pugeg ARYAN-THASchool of Life Sciences and Technology126Imam Achmad SadisunGeological Engineering Department Faculty of Earth Sciences and Tech-nology127Prof.Prof. Re-searcherRe-searcherRe-searcherRe-searcherRe-searcherRe-searcherRe-searcherRe-searcherRe-searcherEstablishment of Deformation Model for the Indonesian Semi-Dynamic Datum(Project 2015)Exploration and Characterization of Thermo-stable and Alcohol Tolerant Lipase from Compost Microorganism as Biocatalyst for Biodiesel(Project 2015)Analysis on Burnup and Cooling Time Effect of Nuclear Non-proliferation Aspect for Plutonium Production in Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)(Project 2015)Bahasa Speech Database for Automatic Speaker Recognition System Development in Indonesia(Project 2015)Development of Visual Comfort Data Collection Method Using High Dynamic Range Image(Project 2015)Cloning and Expression of Haloacid Dehaloge-nase Gene from Bacillus cereus local strain(Project 2015)Design Specifications of A Patient Handling Equipment(Project 2015)Novel Strategy for Degrading PET Using Whole Cell Biocatalyst: OmpA-LC Cutinase(Project 2015)Study of Public Lands Compensation in Capacity and Existence of Abrasion and Accretion (Case Study: Northern Coast Region, Indramayu, West Java)(Project 2015)Evaluation of induced resistance on banana (Musa acuminata cv. Pisang ambon kuning, AAA group) by indigenous bacterial endophyte against Fusarium oxysporum tropical race 4 (FOC4)(Project 2015)Development of time series sensor data acquire-ment for shallow landslide in tropical mountain-ous region of Indonesia, based on analog model(Project 2015)

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