
【Research Encouragement Grants】46Noriko OSUMI47Hitoshi MIYASAKA48Fumitoshi KAKIUCHIAyumi HIRANO-IWA-TA4950Junji ICHIKAWA51Masaki MIZUGUCHI52Kyohei TERAO53Hidekazu MIMURA54Yuji NAKAMURA55Ryo MAEZONO56Jun OKABAYASHI16Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku UniversityInstitute for Materials Re-search, Tohoku UniversityDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Tech-nology, Keio UniversityGraduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku Univer-sityDivision of Chemistry, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of TsukubaInstitute of Materials Research, Tohoku UniversityDepartment of Intelligent Mechanical Systems Engineer-ing, Kagawa UniversityDepartment of Precision Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of TokyoDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Toyohashi University of TechnologySchool of Information Science, JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)Research Center for Spectro-chemistry, The University of TokyoFunctional analysis of fatty acid signals in brain development(Project 2012)Control of Functions in Conductive Molecular Magnets by External Stimuli(Project 2012)Challenge to Development of Catalytic Addition Reactions of Water to Al-kenes with anti-Markovnikov orientation(Project 2012)A hERG channel array based on artificial lipid bilayers and its applica-tion to high-throughput safety screenings(Project 2013)General Syntheses of Fluorine-Substi-tuted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocar-bons Directed toward Advanced Materials(Project 2013)ProfessorProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorDynamics of pure spin currents generated by thermal excitation(Project 2013)Development of Optically-Driven Nanostructures for On-Site Processing of Single Biomolecule in Aqueous Solution(Project 2013)Associate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorHighly accurate wavefront sensing of X-ray beam with Ptychography(Project 2013)Research & Development for Ultra Low-load Combustion Device with Mild Heat Generation in Microscale(Project 2014)A Quantum Monte Carlo study of the phase diagram of electron-hole gas coupled with density matrix/pair correlation function analysis(Project 2014)External-field induced X-ray magnetic circular dichroism study for controlling magnetic anisotropy(Project 2014)Associate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorNatural Sciences Category 2: Physics & Information

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