【Continuation Grants for Outstanding Projects】【Research Encouragement Grants】【Continuation Grants for Outstanding Projects】67Yasuhiro HAYASHI68Takuro UEHARA69Ryugo KUROSAKI70Atsushi TAGO71Toru MOROTOMI72Yukiko NAGANO73Akinori MUTO18Graduate School of Engineer-ing, Kyoto UniversityCollege of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan UniversityFaculty of Education, Fukuoka University of EducationGraduate School of Law, Kobe UniversityGraduate School of Economics, Kyoto UniversitySchool of Human Sciences, Senshu UniversityDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefec-ture UniversityA study on methods for classification and preservation of regional wooden houses to prepare for big earthquakes(Project 2012)ProfessorAn ecological-economic modeling using input-output approach coupled with system dynamics approach: An analysis of the otpimal restoration and management policy for the Seine estuary ecosystem in France balanced against the sustainable regional economic activities(Project 2014)The Internalization Process of Mycro-Hydro Power in the Village of East Africa(Project 2014)A Study on Economic Interdependence Perception and Conciliatory Attitudes toward Foreign Countries: A Survey Experiment(Project 2014)Associate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorProfessorTransition to Low Carbon Economy and Regional Revitalization through Renewable Energy Promotion(Project 2012)Variety and Flexibility of Integrated System for Harmony Between Man and Nature Developed by the Irrigation Association (Subak) in Bali, Indonesia(Project 2013)ProfessorProfessorDevelopment of innovative rapid and excellent extraction process for recovery of lithium ion(Project 2012)ProfessorHumanities and Social SciencesEnvironmental Research Grants
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