
llsrepaP detceoC fo tsiL【Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung, Indonesia)】2187Amornrat KAEWPRADAPNaruemon TANTIPISA-NUH88Pitch SUTHEER-AWATTHANA8990UdayPIMPLE91Boonserm KAEWKAM-NERDPONG92VeinardiSuendo93EdwanKardena94RoberdSaragih95TjandraAnggraeniRajesri GOVINDA-RAJU96Hasian P.Septoratno Siregar97Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of EngineerConservation Ecology Group, Pilot Plant Development & Training InstitueDivision of Construction Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineer-ing, Faculty of EngineeringThe Joint Graduate School of Energy and EnvironemntBiological Engineering Pro-gram, Faculty of EngineeringInorganic and Physical Chem-istry Research Division, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesDepartment of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineer-ingDivision of Industrial and Financial Mathematics, Depart-ment of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesSchool of Life Sciences and TechnologyIndustrial Systems and Techno-economics Research Group Faculty of Industrial Technol-ogyDepartment of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engi-neeringInstabilities of Thai Natural Gas (NG) and Air Flames on Flat Burner(Project 2013)Locality and Hotspot Areas of Globally Threatened Vertebrates in Thailand(Project 2013)Identification of Environmental and Social Impacts in Energy Infrastructure Projects through Social Group’s Behaviors and Public Participation Process(Project 2013)Field Sensor Network (FSN) for Monitoring Mangrove Forest Habitat and Its Environment in Trat Province of Thailand(Project 2014)Monitoring System for Learning Ability via Implicit Learning through Brain Signal Analysis in Real Class-room Environment (Phase I)(Project 2014)ResearcherResearcherAsst.Prof.ResearcherAsst.Prof.Synthesis of Tetramino-Porphyrin/Polyaniline Complex as Optic Active Layer in Organic Optoelectronic Applications(Project 2014)ResearcherDesorption and Recovery of Bound Strategic Metals on Immobilized Local Biosorben for Treating Heavy Metals-Bearing Wastewater(Project 2014)ResearcherReduced Bilinear Control System using H-infinity Balancing(Project 2014)Prof. Integrated Pest Management : Effects of Plant Bioinsecticides and Entomo-pathogenic Fungi Combinations to Insect Pest Anatomy Damage and Their Immune Proteins Content(Project 2014)The Development of Framework for Manufacturing Execution Systems Design and Implementation(Project 2014)Mathematical Modeling for Intermit-tent Gas Lift to Maximize Oil Produc-tion Rate in Low Productivity Well(Project 2014)ResearcherResearcherProf.

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