
98Ismunandar99Zaki Su'ud100AbdulWARIS101Fatkhan102WilmarSALIM103RahmatHidayat104IntanMUCHTADI105VeinardiSuendo106Andri Dian Nugraha107Agus Yodi Gunawan108Suprijanto109Khairurrijal22Inorganic and Physical Chem-istry Research Division, Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesDept. of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesNuclear Physics & Biophysics Research Division, Department of Physics, Faculty of Math-ematics and Natural SciencesProgram Studi Teknik Geo-fisika Faculty of Mining and Petroleum EngineeringResearch Group on Regional and Rural Planning, School of Architecture, Planning and Policy DevelopmentPhysics Program Study Fac-ulty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesAlgebra Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesInorganic and Physical Chem-istry Research Division, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesGlobal Geophysical Research Group, Department of Geo-physical Engineering Faculty of Mining and Petroleum EngineeringIndustrial and Financial Mathematics Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesResearch Division of Instru-mentation and Control Faculty of Industrial TechnologyPhysics of Electronic Materials Research Division, Department of Physics Faculty of Math-ematics and Natural ScienceDirect Cobalt Deposition on Novel Zeolite with Fibrous Morphology and Its Activity in Fischer Tropsch Reaction(Project 2014)Prof. Design Study of Modular Long-Life Gas Cooled Fast Reactors for Under-ground Applications(Project 2014)Analysis of Nuclear Spent Fuel Direct Recycling in PWR using SCALE-6 and ENDF/B-VII Nuclear Data Library(Project 2014)Wavelet Analysis for Biot’s Poroelas-tics Medium and Physical Model Using Core Samples of Sandstones Ngrayong Formation(Project 2014)Prof. ResearcherResearcherResearcherIndustrial Deconcentration in Bandung Raya Metropolitan Area(Project 2014)ResearcherDesign of Lasers Medium Based Nd3+ doped Bismuth Borate(Project 2014)Implementation of Accelerated Pollard Rho for Security of Elliptic Curve Cryptography(Project 2014)Development Linearly-Polarized Photoluminescence Technique as An Observation Method Of N-H Tautom-erism Effect In Porphyrin Crystals(Project 2014)ResearcherResearcherP-wave Velocity Structure Beneath Eastern of Java and Bali Regions Derived from Travel Time Tomography(Project 2015)ResearcherA Wetting Angle Model For An Oil Drop On A Solid Surface Immersed In Surfactant Solution(Project 2015)ResearcherDevelopment of Needle Insertion Simulator with Haptic Feedback For Medical Students Training(Project 2015)ResearcherFabrication of Chitosan Nanofiber-Based Membrane for Antibacterial Filter Applications(Project 2015)Prof.

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