
122EnnyRatnaningsih123Hardianto IRIDIASTADI124Maelita Ramdani MOEIS125Bambang Edhi LEKSONO126I Nyoman Pugeg ARYANTHA127Imam Achmad Sadisun24Division of Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesFaculty of Industrial Technol-ogyDivision of Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences and TechnologyGeodesy and Geomatics Engineering Faculty of Earth Science and TechnologySchool of Life Sciences and TechnologyGeological Engineering Department Faculty of Earth Sciences and TechnologyCloning and Expression of Haloacid Dehalogenase Gene from Bacillus cereus local strain(Project 2015)ResearcherResearcherDesign Specifications of A Patient Handling Equipment(Project 2015)Novel Strategy for Degrading PET Using Whole Cell Biocatalyst: OmpA-LC Cutinase(Project 2015)ResearcherStudy of Public Lands Compensation in Capacity and Existence of Abrasion and Accretion (Case Study: Northern Coast Region, Indramayu, West Java)(Project 2015)Evaluation of induced resistance on banana (Musa acuminata cv. Pisang ambon kuning, AAA group) by indig-enous bacterial endophyte against Fusarium oxysporum tropical race 4 (FOC4)(Project 2015)Development of time series sensor data acquirement for shallow landslide in tropical mountainous region of Indone-sia, based on analog model(Project 2015)ResearcherResearcherResearcher

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