3426中野 幸司多点制御型金属重合触媒の開発Koji NAKANO池野 慎也Shinya IKENO(2013年採択)Design of Multifunctional Metal Catalysts for Polymerization(Project 2013)機能性銀ナノ粒子のナノギャップ構造を利用した高感度芽胞検出技術の開発(2013年採択)Development of high sensitivity bacterial spore sensor by using nano-gap structure of the functional silver nanoparticle(Project 2013)Bacillus属やClostridium属などの細菌は,周囲の環境が生育に不利な状況になると芽胞と呼ばれる耐久性の高い細胞構造を形成する.この芽胞は熱や化学薬品などの外的刺激に対して強い耐性を持つため,芽胞が混入すると食中毒や医療事故などを引き起こすことがある.このような背景から,細菌としての検知ではなく,その場で芽胞を迅速かつ確実に検知する技術が強く望まれている.本研究では,芽胞からそのバイオマーカーであるDPAを瞬時に抽出する技術を確立した.そして,このDPAと特異的に結合する機能性銀ナノ粒子を構築し,そのナノ粒子を用いて表面増強ラマン分光(SERS)で高感度にDPAを検出する手法の開発を行った.The spore-forming bacteria such as Bacillus and Clostridium can survive various adverse conditions without nutrients to form endospore. The contamination causes food poisoning and medical accident. This endospore shows a strong resistance to heat, ultraviolet rays, dry and chemicals. Therefore it is difficult to sterilize the endospore because of such resistances. In this study, we have developed methods for extraction of DPA from endospore, which is based on application of a voltage by electroporation. We have investigated a rapid and highly sensitive detection of endospore thought the DPA sensing by using the functional Ag nanoparticles and SERS.gen-bonding cross-linking, whereas their viscoelastic properties change greatly, responding to changes in temperature. Over the course of our study, we also found that the polyamidines were miscible with low mo-lecular weight polyethylene glycol, and the homogeneous binary mixture trapped CO2 gas quite efficiently under CO2 flow while it released the trapped CO2 gas under N2 flow.均一系金属錯体触媒の発展によって,高い活性や選択性を発現する高性能重合触媒が開発され,様々な機能性高分子材料の合成も可能となった.一般に,従来の重合触媒は単核錯体に基づくものである.一方,多核錯体の協働作用を利用することで,単核錯体を凌駕する高性能重合触媒の開発が期待できる.本研究では,エポキシドと二酸化炭素との交互共重合に関して,多核錯体に基づく高性能重合触媒の開発を目的とした.剛直な構造をもつリンカーで繋げた新規コバルト二核錯体を設計・合成し,既報の触媒よりも高い触媒活性を示すことを明らかにした.High performance polymerization catalysts have been developed by the growth of homogeneous metal cata-lysts and provided a variety of functional polymer materials. In general, mononuclear metal complexes have been designed for polymerization catalysts. However, multinuclear metal complexes are expected to show higher performance than mononuclear ones via cooperative effects. In this study, we developed novel multi-nuclear metal complexes as high performance catalysts for the copolymerization of epoxides with carbon di-oxide. The dinuclear cobalt complex with a rigid linker were successfully synthesized and found to demon-strate higher catalytic activity than the reported catalysts.
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