
yrammuS 56要概豊島 晋Susumu TOYOSHIMA岡澤 敦司Atsushi OKAZAWA微小電場印加によるタンパク質の結晶核形成法の検討(2013年採択)Examination of nucleation of protein crystals under a small electric field(Project 2013)根圏での侵入過程における宿主と寄生植物の相互作用に関わる因子の探索(2013年採択)Exploration of factors involved in interaction between parasitic plants and their hosts during the infection process in the rhizosphere(Project 2013)27本研究ではタンパク質の結晶を効率よく作製する手法として期待されているタンパク質溶液に直接電場を印加する方法の結晶化促進効果について調査した.電場印加による結晶化効果の因子を明らかにするため,タンパク質溶液濃度と電圧印加条件を変化させた結晶化セルの観察を行った結果,印加する電圧が大きい方が低い結晶化剤濃度条件において広いタンパク質濃度範囲で結晶が形成できることがわかった.また,印加電圧を一定にして電極間距離の関係について観察を行った結果,電極間距離が短い方が多数の結晶を形成しやすいが確認された.電圧の大きさや電極の構造を適切に選択することで結晶の形成を制御できることがわかった.In this study, we investigated the crystallization promotion effect of the method to apply a direct electric field to protein solution expected as technique to form a crystal of the protein efficiently. In order to clarify the fac-tor of the crystallization effect by applying an electric field, the crystallization cell which changed the protein solution concentration and the condition of applying voltage was observed. As a result, on the condition that the high voltage was applied to protein solution of low NaCl concentration, crystals were formed under con-ditions of wide protein concentration. The relation between inter electrode distance and crystallization indi-cated that a large number of crystals are formed on the condition of short electrode gap. It was concluded that could control the formation of the crystal by choosing the structure of the electrode and the value of the ap-plied voltage appropriately.寄生植物は植物種間の認識や相互作用を理解するうえで,極めて興味深い研究対象である.本課題では,植物間の根圏でのコミュニケーションの実例として,この寄生植物と宿主の相互作用に関わる因子を明らかにすることを目的とした.研究材料として筑波大学におけるナショナルバイオリソーストマト中核拠点にて整備された変異体ライブラリーを用い,ハマウツボ科根寄生雑草であるヤセウツボにとの相互作用に異常のみられる変異体の取得を試みた.この結果,トマトとヤセウツボのコミュニケーション(防御応答として観測)には,複数の段階があることが明らかになり,さらに,スクリーニングの結果,通常より多くのヤセウツボの付着を許す hoa1 (high orobanche attachment 1) 変異体の取得に成功した.Parasitic plants are intriguing materials to understand how plants recongnize, communicate, and interact with other plant species. In this study, interaction between hosts and root parasitic plants in the rizosphere was fo-cused on. A tomato mutant library prepared in National BioResource Project was screened to find mutants which respond abnormally to a root parasitic plant Orobanche minor compared to the wild-type. It was revealed that tomato recognizes the invasion of O. minor at several steps during the screening process. As a resut, hoa1 (high orobanche attachment 1) mutant, which allows more parasites to invade to the roots than the wild-type, was successfully obtained.

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