
yrammuS 要概9森 秀晴Hideharu MORI坂本 良太10Ryota SAKAMOTO特異な高次構造と多重刺激応答機能を併せ持つアミノ酸系高分子ナノ組織体の創製(2014年採択)Creation of amino acid-based polymeric nano-assembly having unique higher-order structures and multi stimuli-responsive properties(Project 2014)エレクトロニクスを志向した「ボトムアップ型」金属錯体ナノシートの創成(2014年採択)Creation of "bottom-up" metal complex nanosheets applicable in electronics(Project 2014)29over time is related with algal secretion behavior. Moreover, comparison of algae under photosynthate secret-ing conditions with algae under conditions with less secretion revealed differences between the conditions in terms of gene and protein expression.本研究では,非共有結合を複数有するアミノ酸モチーフから成る機能性ポリマーの精密合成と自己組織化に着目した.精密重合により,外部(pHと温度)と内部(塩,尿素)刺激に協同的に作用し,且つ特異な高次構造及びその転移機能を併せ持つ新規アミノ酸系高分子材料を創製した.特に,疎水性相互作用と水素結合によりチューブ状のナノ構造体を形成するジフェニルアラニン部位を有するポリマー,複数の分子内水素結合により多重刺激応答性を示すトレオニン含有星型ポリマー,水素結合/イオン結合に起因するpH-応答性と自己組織化機能を持つリジン含有双性イオン型ブロック共重合体を開発した.We focused on precise synthesis and self-assembly of functional polymers composed of amino acid motifs having multi non-covalent bonds. Controlled polymerization afforded novel amino acid-based polymers hav-ing characteristic ordered structures and its transformation capability in responsive to external (e.g., pH and temperature) and internal (e.g., salt and urea) stimuli. We developed diphenylalanine-based polymers exhibit-ing the ability to form tubular nanostructures via hydrophobic interaction/hydrogen bonding, threonine-based star polymers having multi-stimuli responsive properties via multi-hydrogen bonds, and zwitterionic ly-sine-based block copolymers showing characteristic pH-responsive property and assembled structures via ionic interaction/hydrogen bonding.構成要素 (有機分子およびイオン) からナノシートを紡ぎ上げる「ボトムアップ型」ナノシートのエレクトロニクスへの応用展開を追究した. 「ジチオレン金属錯体ナノシート」は エレクトロニクスの劇的な省エネ化をもたらす二次元トポロジカル絶縁体として振る舞うとの理論的予想がなされており, その実証に向け電気化学または化学的フェルミ準位制御を達成した. 「ジピリン金属錯体ナノシート」が光電変換の活物質層として機能し, 太陽電池への応用に目処が付いた. 「テルピリジン金属錯体ナノシート」が固体化エレクトロクロミックデバイスの活物質として利用可能であることを実証し, 電子ペーパーへの応用展開を拓いた.Herein I investigated electronics applications of bottom-up nanosheets, which are fabricated from molecular and ionic components. "Dithiolene metal complex nanosheet" was predicted to behave as a two-dimensional topological insulator, which affords significant energy saving in electronics. To prove this, Felmi level control by an electrochemical or chemical process is performed. "Dipyrrin metal complex nanosheet" functions as an active layer for a photoelectric conversion system, providing a prospect that the nanosheet may be applied in solar cells. "Terpyridine metal complex nanosheet" is applied as an active layer for a solidified electrochro-mic device, which leads to electronic paper applications.

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