
yrammuS 要概関 朋宏37Tomohiro SEKI三ツ石方也38Masaya MITSUISHI固体4色発光特性を示す金属錯体の刺激応答特性の拡大と薄膜材料への展開(2015年採択)Development of stimuli-responsivity of an organometallic complex exhibiting tetracolored solid state photoluminescence and its application to thin film materials(Project 2015)フッ素系高分子微粒子薄膜の固・液・気相界面を利用した三相ナノ界面工学(2015年採択)Solid-Liquid-Gas Triphase Interface Nanoengineering of Fluorinated Polymer Nanoparticle Films(Project 2015)43measure accurate thermopower of fine specimen. In order to overcome this issue, I developed general-pur-pose thermopower measuring equipment using ultra-fine thermocouples (25 μmΦ), which can simultane-ously measure both local temperature and thermo-electromotive force of tiny device. It was demonstrated that the equipment can measure accurate thermopower of fine specimen with transistor structure even if the ther-mopower is relatively small. The present thermopower measuring equipment may be an effective tool for visualizing special electronic states of fine specimen such as two-dimensional electronic states.トリエチレングリコール部位を有する金イソシアニド錯体2は,機械的刺激によって青⇒黄⇒緑色へと段階的な発光の変化を示し,この様なメカノクロミック分子の報告はこれまでほとんど報告がない.また,加熱/冷却過程でもほぼ同様の応答を示し発光が変化する(青⇒橙⇒黄⇒緑色).また,錯体1と異なり,錯体2では比較的容易にガラス基板上に薄膜化できることを見出した.この薄膜は新規イメージング材料へ応用可能であることを見出すことができた.A gold isocyanide complex 2 possessing triethylene glycol side chains exhibited stepwise emission color changes from blue to yellow and then to green upon grinding. This unique luminescent mechanochromic be-havior has rarely been reported. Thermal treatment of 2 also induced multicolored emission color changes (blue ⇒ orange ⇒ yellow ⇒ green). Different from previous complex 1, a uniform thin film sample of 2 can be easily prepared on a glass surface. The resulting thin film of 2 was successfully applied to an imaging de-vice for secret information storage.フッ素系両親媒性高分子poly(N-1H,1H-pentadecafluorooctyl methacrylamide) (pC7F15MAA)を酢酸とAK-225の混合溶媒に溶解し,基板にドロップキャストすることで,数百ナノメートルサイズのナノ粒子からなる多孔質薄膜を作製した.混合溶液の溶媒の混合比を変えることで,pC7F15MAAからなるナノ粒子の粒径や階層構造を制御できることが明らかとなった.AK-225と水の非相溶系混合溶媒を用いることで直径数十ナノメートルのpC7F15MAAナノ粒子を作製できることを見出した.ナノ粒子中にポルフィリン白金錯体を導入し,溶存酸素センサーとして機能することを実証した.Amphiphilic fluorinated polymer p(N-1H,1H-pentadecafluorooctylmethacrylamide) (pC7F15MAA) was syn-thesized. Porous films consisting of nanopartile assemblies with diameters of several hundred nanometers were prepared using a facile bottom-up approach: casting a mixed solution of pC7F15MAA on solid sub-strates. The size of pC7F1MAA was tuned by controlling the mixing ratio of solvents and hierarphical struc-tures of pC7F15MAA were demonstrated. Nanoparticles formation of pC7F15MAAs in immiscible mixed solvents was successfully demonstrated. The size ranged from 30 to 60 nm. A good dissolved oxyge sensor performance was verified by incorporating platinum porphyrin into the nanoparticles.

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