44水多 陽子39Yoko MIZUTA渕辺 耕平40Kohei FUCHIBE一分子ライブイメージングによる花粉管誘引ペプチドと花粉管の相互作用の解析(2015年採択)Live-cell imaging of the interaction between a pollen tube and its attractant at a single molecular level(Project 2015)フッ素置換遷移金属錯体を用いる有機フッ素化合物の触媒的合成(2012年採択)Catalytic Syntheses of Organofluorine Compounds with Fluorine-containing Transition Metal Complexes(Project 2012)被子植物の生殖過程では,めしべ内で花粉管は将来種子となる胚珠に向かって迷うことなく伸長する.この現象は「花粉管ガイダンス」と呼ばれ,LUREと呼ばれるシグナルペプチドが花粉管を胚珠へと誘引する.しかし,花粉管がどのようにLUREを受容し,伸長方向を制御するのかは明らかとなっていない.そこで, 本研究ではLUREと花粉管を一分子レベルでライブイメージングすることを試みた.まず,花粉管とLUREを蛍光タンパク質と蛍光色素によりそれぞれ可視化した.次に,顕微鏡下で花粉管の伸長方向を制御するため,マイクロ流体デバイスを開発した.開発したデバイス内で花粉管を伸長させ,薄層斜光照明を用いてLUREの挙動を観察した.In flowering plants, pollen tube is precisely guided toward the ovule, which becomes a seed. This phenome-non is named as 'pollen tube guidance', which is caused by the small attractant molecules, LUREs. While such pollen tube attractants have been already reported, the regulatory pathways determining pollen tube growth directions are still largely unknown. To address these issues, a live-cell imaging of pollen tube and LURE molecules at a single molecular level was attempted. Pollen tube and LURE were visualized with fluo-rescent protein and Alexa Fluor dye, respectively. To regulate direction of pollen tube growth under the mi-croscopy, microfluidic device for pollen tube growth was developed. On a microfluidic platform, pollen tube and LUREs were observed by the highly inclined and laminated optical sheet microscopy.現代社会において,有機フッ素化合物は医農薬や電子エレクトロニクスにおける基盤材料として重要な役割を果たしている.本研究では,有機フッ素化合物の ① 選択的 かつ ② 触媒的合成手法の確立を目指して,遷移金属ジフルオロカルベン錯体の生成法と活用法を開発した.具体的には,ニッケル(II)錯体や銅(I)錯体を用いる触媒的なジフルオロメチレン(-CF2-)導入反応を見出し,各種フッ素置換シクロペンタノイドの合成法として確立した.これらの成果は,これまでほとんど知られていなかった遷移金属ジフルオロカルベン錯体の触媒活性種として有用性を実証したものである.Organofluorine compounds are playing crucial roles as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and electronic mate-rials in modern society. In this study, generation and synthetic applications of transition metal difluorocarbene complexes were studied, leading to (i) selective and (ii) catalytic synthesis of organofluorine compounds. We have thus developed catalytic difluoromethylene (-CF2-) introductions by using Ni(II)- and Cu(I) complexes, and synthetic methods of various fluorine-containing cyclopentanoids were established. High potentiality of transition metal difluorocarbene complexes in catalysis was successfully demonstrated by this study.
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