
50市川 淳士50Junji ICHIKAWA水口 将輝51Masaki MIZUGUCHI機能性材料を指向するフッ素置換多環式芳香族炭化水素の自在合成(2013年採択)General Syntheses of Fluorine-Substituted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Directed toward Advanced Materials(Project 2013)熱励起により生成される純スピン流のダイナミクス(2013年採択)Dynamics of pure spin currents generated by thermal excitation(Project 2013)tween the liposomes and BLMs from 6% to 67%. The present method for enhancing the probability of vesi-cle-fusion promises to dramatically increase the experimental efficiency of BLM reconstitution systems, leading to the realization of a BLM-based high-throughput drug-screening platform for personalized medi-cine.各種フルオロアルケン類に対して,金属錯体やLewis酸による穏やかな条件下で行える求電子的活性化法を見出し,これらの活性化法をFriedel-Crafts型環化に利用して,フッ素置換多環式芳香族炭化水素(F-PAH)の位置選択的合成法を3種開拓した.ここでは,フッ素置換基によるα-カチオン安定化効果を積極的に活用して,炭素−炭素結合の生成を達成している.さらに,合成したフッ素置換フェナセン等の物性を調べ,フルオロピセンがp型の半導体特性を示すとともに,THFへの溶解度がピセンの最大25倍と劇的に向上することを明らかにした.ピンポイントフッ素置換PAHは,プリンタブルな有機電子デバイスを開発する上で有望な新しい化合物群となる.Three types of synthetic methods for the regioselectively-fluorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pin-point-fluorinated PAHs) have been developed via Friedel-Crafts-type cyclizations by using electrophilic acti-vation of fluoroalkenes with metal complexes or Lewis acids. 1,1-Difluoro-1-alkenes, 1,1,2-trif-luoro-1-alkenes, 1,1-difluoroallenes, and 2-trifluoromethyl-1-alkenes were used as starting materials, and the positions of C-C bond formation and fluorine introduction were perfectly controlled by α-cation stabilizing effect of fluorine substituents. The synthesized fluoropicenes (fluoro[5]phenacenes) were much (max 25-fold) more soluble in THF than picene and some of them exhibited P-type semiconducting behavior. The pin-point-fluorinated PAHs constitute a new class of organic semiconductors that are applicable to printable or-ganic electronic devices.強磁性金属あるいは強磁性絶縁体に温度勾配を付与することにより,スピンの流れ (熱スピン流) が生じることが明らかになり,熱励起によるスピン誘起が,純スピン流の生成の有力な手法の一つとして注目されている.本研究では,Feナノドット多層ピラー構造を作製し,その異常ネルンスト効果を調べた.その結果,Fe薄膜と比較して異常ネルンスト効果は増大することが分かった.ナノ構造における熱励起純スピン流のダイナミクスが関与していることが示唆された.It has been revealed that pure spin current flows in ferromagnetic materials by temperature gradient, and ther-mal excitation of pure current is attracting an attention. In this study, multilayers including Fe nano-dots were fabricated and anomalous Nernst effect was investigated. It was seen that anomalous Nernst effect was larger than that of an Fe thin film, and it was implied that dynamics of thermally induced pure spin current in nano structures affected the enhancement.

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