58田中 傑66Masaru TANAKA林 康裕67Yasuhiro HAYASHIシチリア島における災害復興とサスティナビリティ -17世紀以降の5つの地震災害に着目して-(2015年採択)Disaster Reconstruction and Sustainability in Sicily -Focusing on 5 Earthquake Hazards after 17 century-(Project 2015)地域木造住宅の類型化と大地震に備えた保全再生法に関する研究(2012年採択)A study on methods for classification and preservation of regional wooden houses to prepare for big earthquakes(Project 2012)Local governments publicize flood risk information aiming to mitigate future damage and loss; however, the way in which residents recognize and understand them is unclear. Several researches by analyzing land prices have quantified residentsʼ level of flood risk understanding, with an assumption that land prices are influ-enced by the perception of flood risk levels. Assuming that residentsʼ perception of flood risk increases when flood occurs is natural; however, earlier studies have not yet succeeded to identify changes between flood risk indices and land prices by using the time series analysis. This study utilized land transaction prices of Kanda river basin, and found that the prices dropped immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake in the high inland flooding risk area.本研究はイタリア・シチリア島における過去の地震災害からの復興を(1)都市の歴史の継承,(2)復興の効率性・合理性,(3)環境親和性の3つの「サスティナビリティ」に着目しながら調査し,日本の災害復興における安全・安心と「サスティナビリティ」とのバランスを考える上での示唆を得るという目的のもと,メッシーナ,ビアンカヴィラ(エトナ山麓の町々),ノートの市街地の復興の実態を文献および現地踏査によって把握し,メッシーナの復興の背景に復興特需を見込んだ大量の労働人口の流入があったこと,ノートの復興においてスペイン政府が既得権をめぐる争いと防衛(安全・安心)に関わる不安を分けて対応したことなど明らかにした.This research project studied reconstruction after the past earthquake disasters occurred in Sicilian Island, Ita-ly, focusing on (1) succession of history of the cities, (2) efficiency and rationality of reconstruction and (3) environment affinity, aiming to obtain clue for well-balancing between safety / security and "sustainability" in disaster reconstruction in Japan. Investigating on realities of urban reconstruction of Messina, Biancavilla (cities on the outskirts of Mt. Etna) and Noto through literature search and field survey, this project clarified such facts as the large scale inflow of labour force anticipating high reconstruction demand in the background of reconstruction of Messina, Spanish government had dealt with the reconstruction of Noto, dividing the controversy of residents over vested interests and the uneasiness toward defense (safety / security) and so on.本研究は,大きく3つのパート(地域型木造住宅の詳細調査,地震対策の類型化,耐震補強)で構成されている.詳細調査による検討では,三重県亀山市関町,奈良県五條新町,宮崎県日向市美々津の3地域の伝統的木造住宅の構造調査を実施した.類型化と地震対策の検討では,全国各地における伝統的木造住宅の構造的特徴の比較と,地震危険度・住民の防災意識・維持管理状況などの地域間比較を行った.耐震補強の検討では,様々な柱・梁接合部の復元力特性評価法の構築,斜め貫付き架構の耐震性能評価法の提案,大垂壁付き架構の耐震性評価法の構築を行うとともに,耐震補強法の検討を行った.Our study is composed of three parts; detailed investigation of regional houses, classification of seismic counter measure, aseismic retrofit method. In the study of detailed investigation, the sturcture of traditional
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