
62武藤 明徳73Akinori MUTO林 昌彦74Masahiko HAYASHIリチウムイオンの高速・高純度濃縮回収プロセスの開発(2012年採択)Development of innovative rapid and excellent extraction process for recovery of lithium ion(Project 2012)活性炭-空気による環境に負荷をかけない究極的な酸化プロセスの開発と持続可能な社会に必要な機能性化合物の環境調和型合成(2013年採択)Development of Oxidation Process Using Activated Carbon-Molecular Oxygen System and Environmentally Benign Synthesis of Useful Compounds for Sustainable Society(Project 2013)well-beingʼ, which include harmonious relationships (1) between God and human society, (2) between human society and nature or the environment, and (3) among people in human society. However, organisations and groups in Desa Jatiluwih are in conflict with one another over the distribution of the tourism income that has increased since registration with the World Heritage list. Priority is now given to ʻagriculture for the land-scape and tourismʼ that pleases the eyes of tourists rather than to ʻagriculture for agricultureʼ that conserves the soil for farmland. This is a serious problem regarding harmony with nature or the environment. The back-ground of these problems are the Post Suharto Regime and sustainable tourism. The latter is an alternative to mass tourism. However, members of the Subak have retained a customary law called Awig-Awig that unifies rice variety and defines the planting season. This is effective in minimizing the use of agrochemicals.電池の原料として重要なリチウムのリサイクルプロセスの確立を目的に,本研究ではリチウムイオンの高速抽出・回収のためのエマルジョンの解乳化(油水分離)装置を開発した.微細流路にエマルジョンを流し,これに外部から交流電場を与え連続的なエマルジョンの解乳化を実現した.以下のことを明らかにした. (1)交流電場が矩形波で周波数が 60-100 Hz時に,解乳化に効果が高かった.(2) リチウムイオンの抽出には水相のpHが4以上で有効,また解乳化では水相のpHが5以下であると不利であった. (3) 水相のpHが4におけるリチウムの抽出・解乳化の連続プロセスにおいて油相に回収できたリチウムイオンは,水相のリチウムイオンの濃度を 0.1-0.01 Mにおいて30~50 %となった.For the purpose of establishment of a recycling process of lithium which is important as a raw material for the lithium ion battery, we developed an equipment of demulsification (oil-water separation) by alternating elec-tric field. An emulsion generated by an extraction process of lithium ion was continuously break. The main conclusions are following; (1) An square wave of alternating electric field which is at a frequency in the 60-100Hz is effective for demulsification. (2) The extraction of lithium ion was preferred when the pH of the aqueous phase is 4 or more, and the demulsification was disadvantageous when the pH of the aqueous phase is 5 or less. (3) 30 - 50% lithium ion could be recovered to the oil phase from a 0.1-0.01M lithium aqueous solution by the continuous process of extraction and demulsification.Pd/C―エチレン系による5-メチル-1,3-シクロヘキサンジオンの脱水素化反応の検討を行った.5% Pd/C触媒を15 mol%存在下に,エチレン雰囲気,還流条件下で130℃,18時間,メタノールと反応させたところ目的の3,5-ジメトキシトルエンが86%で得られた.このようにして得られた3,5-ジメトキシトルエンを臭素化,ホルミル化し,Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons反応に供することにより,最後脱エーテル化を行い,レスベラトロールを合成した.5-メチル1,3-シクロヘキサンジオンから5段階で全収率62%であり十分に効率性の高い合成法といえる.鍵反応はPd/C―エチレン触媒系による酸化(脱水素化)反応である.

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