yrammuS 要概98Ismunandar99Zaki Su'ud100Abdul WARISDirect Cobalt Deposition on Novel Zeolite with Fibrous Morphology and Its Activity in Fischer Tropsch Reaction(Project 2014)Design Study of Modular Long-Life Gas Cooled Fast Reactors for Underground Applications(Project 2014)Analysis of Nuclear Spent Fuel Direct Recycling in PWR using SCALE-6 and ENDF/B-VII Nuclear Data Library(Project 2014)73Unique open three-dimensional pore structure makes KCC-1 significanty different from conventional mesoporous silica. Here, we explore the morphology of KCC-1 and its rational formation mechanism using the quantitative data profile from TEM images. We also report the direct synthesis of catalyst composed of cobalt in KCC-1 and their performance in CO2 methanation to see the ability to convert CO2 to CO, one of essential syngas in Fischer Tropsch reaction. The interpretation of morphology by SEM image and contour plot of TEM image led to a more representative term called bicontinuous concentric lamellar morphology. Some simple experiments were carried out to understand this morphology. Conductometry and Raman Spectroscopy analysis of KCC-1 emulsion identified water in oil phase of the emulsion. TEM image show irregular bicontinuous structure in the initial synthesis time. These findings are then used to propose a novel mechanism for KCC-1 formation. Three direct synthesis methods were used to obtain 3 catalyst (Catalyst A, B,and C). Catalyst C with Co3O4 spinel structure, has the highest CO2 conversion (30%) and CO selectivity (90%).One of the important challenge for The World today is severe global warming and energy crisis. To anticipate that nuclear energy system with high thermal efficiency is an important component which is clean and economically competitive. In this study we focus on Gas cooled fast reactor (GCFR) which is one of the generation 4 NPP which has potential for the production of electric energy, hydrogen gas, clean water, process heat, and to burn radioactive wastes. To improve the safety aspect in this research the modular GCFR is placed underground to improve line of defense against severe hypothetical nuclear accident.In this research analysis and optimization of inherent safety aspect of underground modular GCFR to be able survive against major accidents will be performed8. One of the most important accident here is Core depressurized accident, and some reactivity accidents. The core can be operated 10 years without refueling or reshuffling with maximum excess reactivity during that period is less than one dollar of reactivity as a mechanism to remove decay heat naturally. Safety analysis results show that during loss of flow and loss of heat sink accidents the reactor can survive the accidents inherently with maximum coolant and fuel temperature still less than 1000oC.Nuclear spent direct recycling in PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) has been analyzed using ENDF/B-VII nuclear data library. This work aims at supporting what we have called a SUPEL (Straight Utilization of sPEnt LWR fuel in LWR system) scenario. For comprehensive analyses, influence of changing moderator-to-fuel volume
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