116Gunawan Handayani117Hasanuddin Z. ABIDINFida Madayanti Warganegara118Landslide Investigations Related To The Soil Type, Crack And Water As A Trigger : A Case Study In Cililin, Bandung, West Java(Project 2015)Establishment of Deformation Model for the Indonesian Semi-Dynamic Datum(Project 2015)Exploration and Characterization of Thermostable and Alcohol Tolerant Lipase from Compost Microorganism as Biocatalyst for Biodiesel(Project 2015)produce geopolymer. In the main experiment, a D-optimal mixture experiment measures the crushing strength of ternary geopolymer formulations consisting of FA, RHA, and metakaolin. Geopolymerization is confirmed by SEM imaging and chemical bonding identification by FT-IR spectroscopy. FA increases and RHA decreases geopolymer crushing strength. In some cases, strength of FA-rich geopolymer is comparable to OPC.Landslide is the second biggest disaster that often occurs in Indonesia. With events reaching 2000 times and killed up to 68,000 peoples since 1815 to 2013. In particular the West Java Province is the province with the highest number of landslide occurrences since 1990-2012 that 1014 incident or 59.86% of the entire landslide in Indonesia at that time. A landslide is the movement of slope-forming materials such as rocks, debris materials, soil, or a mixture of these materials, moving down the slopes or out. Landslide can be triggered by geological structures, climate of the region, morphology, geotechnical properties of surface rock, engineering excavation and water parameters. In this research we will focus to investigate landslide triggered by soil type, crack and water. Here we will learn the type of soil at each depth and how it affects if the soil react with water and the effect if there is a crack in a hill then under what conditions the hill will be a landslide. So we can predict when the landslide and minimize the losses from the landslides in the future.Indonesia is a maritime continent with a complex and active tectonic setting and therefore prone to various natural hazards, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides, flooding and land subsidence. The surface deformation caused these hazard especially plate tectonic motions and earthquake should be taken into account in positioning and mapping activities in Indonesia. On 11 October 2013, Geospatial Information Agency (Badan Informasi Geospasial/BIG) launched a new geocentric datum named the Indonesian Geospatial Reference System 2013 (IGRS2013) and this is a semi dynamic datum. The semi dynamic datum should be supported by a model deformation to transform the kinematic coordinate into coordinate at the reference epoch. The objectives of this proposed research project are: (1) to map spatial and temporal rates of deformation field from the results of GPS data processing; and (2) to create a deformation model from tectonic activities (block rotation and earthquake). This research is targeted to have better understanding on characteristics and impacts of tectonic activities in Indonesia and better suggestions to the Indonesia Government (BIG) related to realization semi dynamic datum with deformation model; mitigation policy and one map policy.Biodiesel recently has become one of the promising renewable fuel. Synthesis of biodiesel using biocatalyst such 80
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