
F.X. Nugroho SOELAMI121122Enny RatnaningsihDevelopment of Visual Comfort Data Collection Method Using High Dynamic Range Image(Project 2015)Cloning and Expression of Haloacid Dehalogenase Gene from Bacillus cereus local strain(Project 2015)of the collected database will be a stimuli for the development of automatic speaker recognition field in Indonesia.Humans gain many benefits from having daylight and view in buildings. Nevertheless, providing daylight and view in buildings should be done in an acceptable way, so that the energy savings potential can be optimally achieved. Artificial lighting control systems with daylight-sensing mechanism that do not consider visual comfort of the occupants, particularly in the occurrence of glare, often motivate the occupants to shut the blinds and switch the artificial lighting on throughout the day; resulting in no energy savings. Therefore, it is important to assess objective values and subjective responses from occupants in various daylit scenes.To evaluate visual comfort in a given space, the technique of capturing high dynamic range (HDR) images has been introduced and validated. The method is proposed to evaluate visual comfort condition in daylit, interior scenes, particularly for the case of Indonesia, in which the daylight availability is relatively high. However, a comprehensive database about visual comfort preference in Indonesian context does not exist at the moment. Therefore, the objectives of this research are to define the proper method of using HDR image technique for conducting visual comfort assessment and calculating the indicators; to evaluate the subjective responses from occupants in buildings with daylight; and to compare the results from the HDR image technique with the the subjective responses from the occupants.The assessment was conducted in the reading hall of the Main Library Building of Institut Teknologi Bandung, using HDR image technique that was post-processed using Hdrscope, Radiance, and Evalglare software. Post occupancy evaluation on the daylighting condition of the space was conducted with 99 participants. Based on the statistical analysis, the most significant physical variables influencing the visual comfort perception of the participants are source luminance and vertical illuminance, whereas daylight glare probability (DGP) and simplified daylight glare probability (DGPs) occur as the most significant visual comfort indicators. From the post occupancy evaluation, it is found that most participants feel visually comfortable under source luminance < 1150 cd/m2, vertical illuminance < 800 lx, DGP < 0.21 and DGPs < 0.23. Most participants feel uncomfortable under source luminance > 1200 cd/m2, vertical illuminance > 1200 lx, DGP > 0.23 and DGPs > 0.26.As reported in previous research, Bacillus cereus local strain can utilize monochloro acetic acid (MCA) by producing haloacid dehalogenase to degrade it as a cabon source. In this study we want to create a recombinant clone of the haloacid dehalogenase gene from Bacillus cereus local strain and identify its base sequence. The research is started by confirming of Bacillus cereus growth ability on a medium containing MCA and its 16S rDNA gene. Then followed by designing specific primers for isolation and amplification of haloacid dehalogenase gene from Bacillus cereus local strain via Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). DNA fragment 1,1 kb was yielded from PCR has been cloned into cloning vector pGEM-T and transformed into E.coli TOP10 competent cell. Nucleotide sequence of DNA fragment was determined from positive clone recombinant plasmid by dye detector dideoxy Sanger method. There is an ORF consisting of 852 bp which encode protein of 284 amino acid residue with predicted molecular weigth about 31 kD. Homology study through nucleotide and amino acid deduction sequence aligments was suggested this DNA fragment belong to haloacid dehalogenase and for the further will be called as bcfd1 gene.82

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