
I Nyoman Pugeg ARYANTHA126Imam Achmad Sadisun127Evaluation of induced resistance on banana (Musa acuminata cv. Pisang ambon kuning, AAA group) by indigenous bacterial endophyte against Fusarium oxysporum tropical race 4 (FOC4)(Project 2015)Development of time series sensor data acquirement for shallow landslide in tropical mountainous region of Indonesia, based on analog model(Project 2015)After known the area which is affected by abrasion and accreation, abrasion and sedimentation, part of accretion, rate can be calculated. With knowing rate of abrasion and sedimentation, the areas which will be lost and get sedimentation, can be predicted. The area which is affected by sedimentation can be used by public for land effectively and residential.Fusarium wilt which caused by fungi Fusarium oxysporum has threaten the world banana production including Indonesia. Conventional management of Fusarium wilt was focused on fumigation and finding new resistant cultivar of banana. Yet, research about optimizing plant growth and defense system was neglected until recent decades. Utilization of bacterial endophyte as alternative biocontrol agent for Fusarium wilt in banana would be beneficial to be explored. In vitro triple culture screening assay for 53 bacterial endophyte isolates gave three most promising isolates putatively recognized as Rhizobium daejeonense, Stenothropomonas nitrireducens, and Kocuria rhizophila. Pre-inoculated banana plantlets (Musa acuminata cv. Pisang ambon kuning, AAA group) with R. daejeonense and S. nitrireducens showed 2-3% lower total necrosis area compared to control. Pre-inoculated banana plantlets with K. rhizophila showed reduced growth reduction caused by Foc4 up to 0.12 gram if compared to control. This valuable endophytes bacteria will be further analyzed using molecular and biochemical approach for Fusarium wilt biocontrol agent.Shallow landslide initiation in laboratory scale can range from minutes to many hours depend on materials grain size. Cheap and readily available water content sensor with sealing treatment can sample soil water content for long periods to monitor shallow landslide possible initiation, especially in well defined sliding surface. Landslide will occurred near saturation value. Material with lower cohesion, sand size with more uniform grain size distribution will be better predicted than materials with a lot of fine size grain. Force sensor is far less useful in predicting landslide due to low variation of weight at onset of shallow landslide.84

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