
13KentaKOKADO14SatoruHIROTO15SatoshiHORIKE16HidekiYORIMITSU17YoshinoriTAKASHIMA18KenjiMATSUMOTO19ShigekiMATSUNAGA20EijiYAMAGUCHI21KazukiNAKAMURA22JunjiFUKUDA23YoshikoMIURA24KenjiSUEYOSHI12Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science,Hokkaido UniversityDepartment of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya UniversityInstitute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences,Institute for Advanced Study, Kyoto UniversityDepartment of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto UniversityDepartment of Macromolecular Science,Graduate School of Science, Osaka UniversityFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Tokushima Bunri UniversityFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Hokkaido UniversityDepartment of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry,Gifu Pharmaceutical UniversityGraduate School of Engineering,Chiba UniversityFaculty of Engineering, Yokohama National UniversityDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,Kyushu UniversityDepartment of Applied Chem-istry, Gruaduate School of Engineering,Osaka Prefecture UniversityExploration of Aggregation-Induced Emitting Phenomena Driven by Formation of Supramolecular Complex(Project 2015)Synthesis of stacked antiaromatic compounds with phenol oxidation(Project 2015)Synthesis of coordination framework crystals for separation of gaseous hydrogen isotope(Project 2015)Synthesis of multiporphyrinic systems via porphyrin-lithium hybrid reagents(Project 2015)Creation of self-healing adhesive functions with combination of non-covalent bond and topological proper-ties (Project 2015)Synthesis of extended π-conjugated nitrogen-containing compouds via C-H activation and exploration of their functional properties (Project 2015)Development of Asymmetric First-Row Transition Metal Catalysts for Enantioselective C-H Functionalization(Project 2015)Development of rare-metal-free novel chemical transformation: dehydrogena-tive carboncarbon bond forming photoareobic oxidation reaction(Project 2015)Novel multicolor optical-modulating glasses with localized surface plasmon resonance; toward energy-saving smart windows (Project 2015)Engineering of 3D liver tissues using human iPS cells and its in vivo imag-ing after transplantation (Project 2015)Assistant ProfessorAssistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorProfessorLecturerLecturerProfessorAssistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorMaterials for Pathogen Removal Based on the Precise Polymerization(Project 2015)ProfessorDevelopment of a novel blotting analysis based on three-dimensional digital electrophoresis and application to a pharmacokinetic analysis in a cell(Project 2015)Tenure-track Assistant Professor

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