
llsrepaP detceoC fo tsiL1325DaisukeMIYOSHI26OsamiSHOJI27HiroyaYURIMOTO28YoshitakaANO29Shin-ichiroNARITA30TomohiroUEMURA31MasahumiKAWAGUCHI32JinYOSHIMURA33YoshitakaTAKANO34YusukeSAIJO35SotaFUJII36KiichiSATO37AkimitsuOKAMOTOFaculty of Frontiers of Innova-tive Research in Science and Technology (FIRST),Konan UniversityGraduate School of Science, Nagoya UniversityDivision of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture,Kyoto UniversityDepartment of Applied Biore-source Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime UniversityFaculty of Nutritional Sciences, University of MoriokaDepartment of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of TokyoDepartment of Anatomy, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of ToyamaGraduate School of Scicence and Technology,Shizuoka UniversityGraduate School of Agricul-ture,Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Biological Sciences,Nara Institute of Science and TechnologyGraduate School of Agricul-tural and Life Sciences,The University of TokyoDivision of Molecular Science, Faculty of Science and Tech-nology, Gunma UniversityResearch Center for Advanced Science and Technology,The University of TokyoHigh-throughput screening system of peptides targeting DNA G-quadruplex-es(Project 2015)Development of decoy molecules with metal complexes for the light-driven oxidation reaction by cytochrome P450 (Project 2015)Development of the novel system for heterologous protein production from methanol based on yeast metabolic and physiological functions (Project 2015)Mechanism of uronate-oxidizing system in acetic acid bacteria and its application (Project 2015)Analysis of the mode of interaction between bacterial outer membrane proteins and periplasmic protease BepA (Project 2015)Study for the mechanism of plant immune response against pathogens at the cellular level (Project 2015)Interaction between male and female promotes the speciation; Study for the neural basis of reproductive isolation(Project 2015)Studies on the molecular mechanisms of periodical mass flowering plant (Strobilanthes flexicaulis) evolved via interaction with insects (Project 2015)Multilayered plant defense system with stepwise activation via plant-fungal pathogen interactions (Project 2015)Identification and utilization of endo-phytic fungi that inhabit in the Bras-sicaceae plants for growth promotion(Project 2015)Understanding the molecular mecha-nism of heterotrophic feeding by Symbiodinium (Project 2015)Development of micro human models by integration of microsystems and cell engineering (Project 2015)Development of functional nucleic acid-modified supports for cancer-derived cell-free methylated DNA recovery by fusion of synthetic chem-istry and genome medical science(Project 2015)ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorProfessorAssistant ProfessorAssistant ProfessorProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorProfessor

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