
llsrepaP detceoC fo tsiL【Continuation Grants for Outstanding Projects】【Research Encouragement Grants】1770JunTANIMOTO71MasakiNAKAMURA72HiroakiSASAKI73Toshi H.ARIMURA74MihokoNISHIGAKI75HideoNAKAZAWA76KeikoKURODA77KiyoKURISU78JojiOTAKIInterdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sci-ences,Kyushu UniversityCenter for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences,Osaka UniversityGraduate School of Economics, Kyoto UniversityFaculty of Political Science and Economics,Waseda UniversityFaculty of Education,Meisei UniversityDepartment of Political Sci-ence, Faculty of Law,Chuo UniversityLaboratory of Forest Resourc-es, Graduate School of Agricul-tural Science,Kobe UniversityDepartment of Urban Engineer-ing, School of Engineering, The University of TokyoThe BCPH Unit of Molecular Physiology, Department of Chemistry, Biology and Marine Science, Faculty of Science, University of the RyukyusEstablishing Total Utility Demand Prediction System (TUD-PS); an accurate & high time-resolution predic-tion for demand-side utilities based on stochastic theory for behavior sched-ules of urban residents, and its scenario study (Project 2013)ProfessorCoal Mines development and the transformation of regional society- A study of Ikeshima Island in Nagasaki (Project 2014)Non-renewable Resources and the Possibility of Sustainable Economic Development in Negative-Population-Growth Economies (Project 2014)An Economic Analysis of Renewable Energy Policy and Wellbeing in a Local Community (Project 2015)Regarding Routes of Transmission of Scientific Information at the Time of the Great East Japan Earthquake −Focusing on the Welfare Domain−(Project 2015)Setting a Cornerstone for East Asian Industrial Heritage Route: Bridging Former Coalfields of Gangwondo and Kyushu (Project 2015)Associate ProfessorProfessorProfessorAssistant ProfessorProfessorPhysiological studies for the reestab-lishment of health and stable ecosys-tem of the secondary forest "Satoya-ma" (Project 2013)Quantitative Evaluation of Risk Expression Influences on People's Preferences (Project 2013)ProfessorAssociate ProfessorQuantitative evaluation of biological impacts of radioactive contamination using a butterfly(Project 2013)Associate ProfessorHumanities and Social SciencesEnvironmental Research Grants

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