llsrepaP detceoC fo tsiL【King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (Bangkok, Thailand)】【Institut Telnologi Bandung (Bandung, Indonesia)】19KamonlakLEECHAROEN-KIAT88UthaipornSURI-YAPRAPHAD-ILOK89TriwitRATTANARO-JPONG90SumateNAETILAD-DANONTeeranootCHANTHASOP-EEPHANSupachaiVONGBUN-YONG91929394TiwaONG-INChirapornAUECHALITA-NUKUL9596AbdulWARIS97AnitaALNIRajesriGOVINDA-RAJU9899DwiIRWANTODepartment of Clinical Micros-copy, Faculty of Allied Health SciencesThe Petroleum and Petrochemi-cal CollegeDepartment of Microbiology, Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Electrical Engineering,Faculty of EngineeringMechanical Engineering Department,Faculty of EngineeringInstitute of Field RoboticsPilot Plant Development and Training InstituteDepartment of Tool and Materials Engineering,Engineering FacultyNuclear Physics & Biophysics Research Division, Department of Physics, Faculty of Math-ematics and Natural SciencesDivision of ChemistryFaculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesIndustrial Technology Faculty Associate ProfessorNuclear and Biophysics Research DivisionFaculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesCharacterization of the long non-cod-ing RNA transcripts from chromosome 6q23 HBS1L-MYB intergenic region associated with fetal hemoglobin level(Project 2015)Design and Simulation of Methanol Synthesis from Flue Gas: A Techno-Economic Study of a Power Plant in Thailand (Project 2015)ResearcherResearcherProteomic Analysis of Antigenic Proteins from Campylobacter jejuni for Vaccine Development in Chicken (Project 2015)Three-Phase Resonant Inverter for High-Power Induction Heating Appli-cations (Project 2016)Compliant Mechanism Design for Flexible Manipulator in Robotic System (Project 2016)Development of Platform for Tele-operated Robotic System for In-Vitro Fertilization (Project 2016)An Assessment of Distribution of Forest Partridge in Southern Peninsular Thailand (Project 2016)Effect of Bottom Ash Additions on the Microstructure of a Sintered Bronze-based Friction Material (Project 2016)ResearcherAssistant ProfessorAssistant ProfessorResearcherResearcherResearcherThree Dimensional Core Analysis of Nuclear Spent Fuel Direct Recycling Scheme in PWR(Project 2016)Thermodynamic stability of anti-pyran compounds and their bioactivity against P-388 Murine Leukimia Cells(Project 2016)The Design of a Methodology for IT-Business Alignment to Support e-Commerce Implementation in SMEs(Project 2016)Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Austenitic Stainless Steels by Means of In-situ Test in Lead-alloy Environ-ment (Project 2016)ProfessorResearcherResearcher
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