36川口 将史31Masahumi KAWAGUCHI吉村 仁32Jin YOSHIMURA雄と雌の相互作用が種分化を促す:生殖前隔離の神経基盤に関する研究 (2015年採択)Interaction between male and female promotes the speciation; Study for the neural basis of reproductive isolation (Project 2015)コダチスズムシソウと昆虫の相互作用により進化した周期的一斉開花枯死の分子メカニズムの解明 (2015年採択)Studies on the molecular mechanisms of periodical mass flowering plant (Strobilanthes flexicaulis) evolved via interaction with insects (Project 2015)sociated (GA) TGN is located on the trans-side of the Golgi apparatus, while the Golgi-released independent (GI) TGN is a mobile and independent organelle that is located away from the Golgi apparatus. However, the physiological roles of GI-TGN remains unknown. In this study, we found that the GI-TGN functions in the se-cretory pathway, and plays important role in pre-invasive defence against pathogenic powdery mildew fungi.ヨシノボリの雄は視覚情報に基づいてなわばりに入った個体を知覚し,基本的には威嚇攻撃によって追い払うが,同種かつ卵熟した雌の鍵刺激が入力すると,エストロゲン受容体a陽性神経細胞の活動などを通じて求愛行動にスイッチが切り替わると考えられた.ヨシノボリの脳では視覚処理を司る終脳背側野側部が大きく発達しており,高度な視覚識別に伴う求愛と攻撃の行動選択が,ヨシノボリ属の生殖前隔離を成立させていることが示唆された.また,ヨシノボリの繁殖期は水温の変動によって制御されており,人為的な水温操作によって繁殖サイクルを調節できることがわかった.今後,視覚情報の統合から生殖前隔離の実行に至る神経回路の全容解明を目指していきたい.I found that the males of goby fishes perceive the invaders on the basis of the visual information. Although the males ordinarily drive away the invaders, the visual key stimulation derived from the matured conspecific females induces the courtship behavior of males via the neural activity of estrogen receptor a-positive cells and so on. In the goby brain, the lateral part of dorsal telencephalon, which is known as a visual center in other teleosts, is highly complex. These data suggested that the behavioral selection between courtship and aggres-sion in reference to the sophisticated visual recognition allows the goby fishes to establish the reproductive isolation. Moreover, I revealed that the breeding season of goby fishes is controlled by the water temperature, and it is possible to regulate the breeding cycle artificially. In future, I would like to elucidate the whole neu-ral circuit to integrate the visual information and to execute the reproductive isolation of goby fishes.キツネノマゴ科イセハナビ属コダチスズムシソウは,沖縄本島において6年周期で一斉開花・枯死を繰り返す.これまでにコダチスズムシソウの周期的一斉開花枯死の進化要因として,昆虫からの種子捕食回避や訪花昆虫誘因による受粉効率の向上が示唆されている.本課題では,周期的一斉開花枯死の分子メカニズムの解明を目指した.気温と日長をコントロールした栽培実験により,時間を測る環境シグナルとして,気温が重要であることが示唆された.また,近縁種のオキナワスズムシソウとのF2雑種集団を作成し,周期遺伝子領域を推定するためのQTL解析を進めた.さらに,リファレンスゲノムの作成を進めるとともに,RNA-seqによる発現解析を行い,周期遺伝子の探索を行った.Mass flowering of Strobilanthes flexicaulis (Acanthaceae) occurs every six years in Okinawa Island. It was sug-gested that evolutionary causes of periodical mass flowering in S. flexicaulis were the avoidance of seed preda-tion from insects and the increasing pollination efficiency by the attraction of pollinator insects. In this study, the molecular mechanisms of periodical mass flowering in S. flexicaulis were investigated. Cultivation experi-
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