
38藤井 壮太35SotaFUJII佐藤 記一36Kiichi SATOサンゴ共生藻とその被食藻類との相互作用における分子メカニズムの解明 (2015年採択)Understanding the molecular mechanism of heterotrophic feeding by Symbiodinium (Project 2015)マイクロシステムと細胞工学の融合によるマイクロ人体モデルの開発 (2015年採択)Development of micro human models by integration of microsystems and cell engineering (Project 2015)存することがわかった.現在,両者の比較ゲノム解析並びに植物感染時の比較トランスクリプトーム解析を進めている.In nature, plants associate with a vast diversity of microbes from harmful pathogens to beneficial endophytes, often without discernible disease symptoms. In particular, plants have beneficial interactions with endophytes that promote nutrient uptake under poor nutrient conditions. We revealed fungal isolates from healthy plants of the Brassicaceae family, including Raphanus sativus, grown in the outside field, and characterized their function in the host plants. These fungal isolates include those promoting plant growth or plant protection from pathogen infection. We put a particular focus on the two closely related pathogenic and endophytic isolates of Colletotri-chum gloeosporioides, designated CgP and CgE, respectively, which are also related to Colletotrichum patho-genic fungi causing anthracnose diseases. Interestingly, their co-inoculation results in CgE-mediated suppression of CgP infection and disease in Arabidopsis thaliana. Further studies indicate that this suppression is not through direct antagonistic interaction between the two fungi, but that it relies on plant immunity based on ethylene and triptophan-derived secondary anti-fungal metobolites. A comparative genome analysis for the two Cg isolates and their in-planta transcriptome profiling are underway at present.サンゴの生存において欠かせない役割を果たす種がSymbiodiniumである.Symbiodiniumは褐虫藻と呼ばれる単細胞藻類であり,サンゴの細胞内の1cm2あたりに10万から100万細胞が共生することが知られている. 本研究ではサンゴ共生藻Symbiodiniumの葉緑体制御メカニズムの解明を目指し,Pentatr-icoPeptide Repeat (PPR)タンパク質の機能解析を行う.PPRタンパク質は特定の法則性を持って葉緑体RNAに結合し,そのRNAの転写後修飾を行うことが陸上植物での解析から知られている.Symbiodinium is a genus of algae that reside in cnidians such as corals. This endosymbiotic dinoflagellates is critically important to coral survival and in some cases Symbiodinium population density may get as high as million per 1 cm2 within a coral cell. In this study, I plan to study the photosynthesis regulatory mechanism of Symbiodinium through the study of PentatricoPeptide Repeat (PPR) proteins. PPR proteins are RNA bind-ing adaptors which is directly involved in various cellular activities.薬物動態など従来は動物実験でなければ解析が困難であった研究を,培養細胞レベルで実現することをめざし,人体の持つ多くの組織・器官を一つのデバイスに集積化して,実際に人体で起こる様々な生体反応を組み込んだマイクロ人体モデルを開発することを目標とした.本研究では特に毛細血管網を有した筋肉や脂肪などの三次元組織,およびゲル中での毛細血管網の構築を目指した.市販のヒト初代細胞を利用し,内部に毛細血管網を有したマイクロ三次元組織を構築することを実現した.本研究の成果は将来的に,創薬や有毒化学物質等のリスク評価など,様々な分野に応用可能であり,その経済的効果は計り知れないものと考えられる.

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