
秋田 総理45Fusamichi AKITA内藤 豊裕46Toyohiro NAITO光合成科学と構造生物学の融合による光化学系II複合体の酸素発生機構の解明 (2016年採択)Elucidation of the oxygen evolving mechanism of the photosystem II complex by fusion of photosynthesis science and structural biology (Project 2016)ポンプ融合型LCカラムの新規キャピラリー電気クロマトグラフィーへの応用 (2016年採択)Applications of Pump-Integrated LC Columns to Capillary Electrophoresis (Project 2016)43sufficient protective immunity. Our group is developing novel peptide adjuvants by using a phage display system, which is an in vitro screening technique that uses a library of bacteriophages displaying various pep-tides to identify peptides that target specific proteins or cells. In the present study, we used a phage display system to identify peptides that bind dendritic cells (DCs). A bacteriophage library was mixed with bone mar-row-derived dendritic cells and the bacteriophage clones that bound the DCs were recovered. The binding ca-pacity of the recovered bacteriophage clones was determined by flow cytometry: many of the peptides that bound the DCs have a common sequence motif. We examined the vaccine adjuvant effects of the DC-binding peptides in mice by using recombinant fusion to conjugate the identified peptides with an antigen (antigen–peptide). The antigen-specific antibody response in mice administered antigen–peptide was significantly higher than in mice administered the antigen alone and comparable to in mice administered the antigen + ad-juvant. Together, these results suggest that the identified DC-targeting peptides are potentially useful adju-vants for subunit vaccines.光化学系II(PSII)は20種のサブユニットからなる,分子量350 kDaの超分子複合体である.PSIIは光エネルギーを利用して水を水素イオン,電子,酸素に分解する反応を触媒する.2011年に1.9Åの構造が詳細に示され,酸素発生中心部分のマンガンクラスターの構造は“ゆがんだ椅子”構造と形容され,その年のScience誌10大成果に選出された.しかしながら,この構造は反応開始状態のS1であり,その全容を解明するにはその他の状態{S2, S3, (S4), S0}の構造解析が必要である.本研究は,調製したPSIIの結晶を可視光レーザーで励起し,X線自由電子レーザー(XFEL)を照射して回折像を収集し,解析を行うことでこれらの反応中間体の構造を明らかにすることを目的とする.Photosystem II (PSII) is a 350 kDa of supercomplex composed of 20 subunits, and catalyzes light-induced water-splitting, leading to the generation of electrons, protons and oxygen. The structure of PSII was reported at 1.9 Å resolution in 2011, which showed that the Mn cluster has a "distorted chair" shape. Owing to the importance of PSII, this result was selected as one of the ʻBreakthroughs of the Year 2011ʼ by the journal Science. However, since structure was solved for the dark-stable S1-state, the mechanism of water-splitting is still not clear. To analyze the structures of the intermediate S-states :S2, S3, (S4) and S0. I prepared microcrys-tals and collected their diffraction images with an approach of time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallogra-phy with X-ray free electron laser (XFEL).オンサイトマイクロ流体デバイス開発のため,本研究では液体クロマトグラフィーカラムと電気浸透ポンプの高性能化と,ポンプ一体型液体クロマトグラフィーカラムの新規分離手法への応用展開を検討した.微小構造体の形状と液体クロマトグラフィーカラムの効率の関係を調べたところ,中空構造や横長の構造がカラム効率を向上させる結果が示唆された.電気浸透ポンプの流量と吐出圧はそれぞれ印加電

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