44蟹江 澄志47Kiyoshi KANIE中尾 佳亮シアノ官能基化反応の開発 48Yoshiaki NAKAO自己組織性デンドロン修飾単分散磁性ナノ粒子:超高密度有機無機ハイブリッド磁気メモリへの展開 (2014年採択)Self-organizing dendron-modified monodisperse magnetic nanoparticles: Application to develop organic-inorganic hybrid magnetic memory with ultra-high-density (Project 2014)(2014年採択)Development of Cyanofunctionalization (Project 2014)圧と印加電場に依存しており,最適な形状は柵型構造であることがわかった.また,流路内表面の化学修飾によって,リサイクル電気クロマトグラフィーと選択的分離分析への可能性を実証した.Performances of a liquid chromatography column and electroosmotic pump were improved and a pump inte-grated chromatography column was applied to a novel analytical method for development of an onsite analy-sis device based on microfluidic techniques. Dependence of column efficiency of a shape of microstructure indicated that an open-tubular or radial elongated microstructures improve column efficiency. The maximum flow rate and discharged pressure were depend on an applied voltage and strength of electric field, respec-tively. I revealed the optimum shape of microstructure for electroosmotic pump was parallel straight channel. Chemical modified microfluidic channel indicated potential of a recycle electrochromatography and selective separation.有機無機ハイブリッド材料は,ナノ・分子原子レベルでの有機−無機界面制御に着目した複合機能材料である.このような材料の開発は,有機物と無機物の相反する機能,例えば有機物の柔軟性と無機物の高耐久性をオンデマンドに発現するような材料や,全く新しい相乗機能・物性の発現・創出に繋がることが期待されている.本研究では,研究代表者のオリジナルの技術として開発してきた“有機無機ハイブリッドデンドリマー”技術を,単分散球状Fe3O4 強磁性ナノ粒子に適用し,精密デンドロン修飾により,超高密度有機無機ハイブリッド磁気メモリの開発に繋がる二次元・三次元組織構造形成手法開発に取り組んだ.さらに,代表的な量子ドットである CdSナノ粒子についても適用し,ナノ組織構造に由来した新たな蛍光の発光・消光現象を見出した.Organic-inorganic hybrid material, fabricated by the nano- or molecular-level interactions between organic and inorganic matters, has attracted great deals of attentions for the introduction of novel functions. One of the most important research topics in this area is the generation of synergistic functions between organic and inorganic matters. Recently, extensive efforts have been carried out for the synergistically adaption of the cross functions such as flexibility of organic materials and high hardness of inorganic materials into the re-sulting hybrids. In the present study, organic-inorganic hybrid dendrimer technique that we have originally developed was applied to prepare monodispersed Fe3O4 ferromagnetic nanoparticle-based 2D and 3D self-organizing structure applicable for novel-type of magnetic memories with ultra-high-density. Further-more, the present procedure was also used for the introduction of 2D and 3D self-assembling property into a CdS quantum dot for the development of structure-dependent novel-type of emission-quenching controllable materials.本研究では,アルケンに対して二つの有機基を付加させる二官能基化反応の開発に取り組んだ.その結果,パラジウム/銅協働触媒存在下,アリル基とアルキル基,アルケニル基またはアリール基を同時に
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