46金児-石野 知子51Tomoko KANEKO-ISHINO忍久保 洋安定な反芳香族化合物の開発とその応用研究 52Hiroshi SHINOKUBOレトロトランスポゾン由来の遺伝子Peg11のアンチセンスRNAに含まれるmiRNAの機能解析 (2011年採択)Functional analysis of miRNAs involved in antisense RNA to retrotransposon-derived Peg11 gene (Project 2011)(2013年採択)Creation and Application of Stable Antiaromatic Compounds (Project 2013)ヒト14番染色体父親性2倍体症候群(鏡-緒方症候群)は,胎盤の過成長,羊水過多,ベル型肋骨を伴う呼吸不全による新生児致死,腹直筋乖離,生後の成長不良,精神遅滞など重篤な症状を特徴とするゲノムインプリンティング疾患であり,近年,難病指定をうけている.この疾患はPEG11/RTL1遺伝子の過剰発現が原因と考えられているが,胎盤の異常以外の詳細な病態における影響は不明であった.PEG11/RTLはアンチセンスRNA に含まれるmiRNAで発現量を制御されている.今回,モデルマウスを用いた実験で,アンチセンスRNA及びmiRNAが実際にPEG11/RTL1遺伝子発現量制御に効いていること,この遺伝子が筋肉発生に重要な寄与をしていることを明らかにした.Human paternal disomy of chromosome 14(upd(14)pat , also known as Kagami-Ogata syndrome) is one of most severe genomic imprinting diseases and recently has identified as an intractable disease in Japan. It causes several symptoms, such as placentmegaly, polyhydramnios, bell-shaped thorax associated to neonatal lethality due to respiratory problem, diastasis recti, postnatal growth retardation and mental retardation. Over-production of PEG11/RTL1 is likely a major cause of upd(14)pat due to loss of maternally expressed anti-Peg11/Rtl1as, which encodes several microRNAs (miRNAs) that target Peg11/Rtl1 mRNA. Beyond essential involvement of PEG11/RTL1 in maintaining placental fetal capillaries, the role of PEG11/RTL1 in other symp-toms remains unknown. In this study, we extensively examined its role in muscle development using mouse models and demonstrated that it is a major gene responsible for both of the upd(14)mat and upd(14)pat syn-dromes.反芳香族化合物は合成が難しく不安定な場合が多いため,その応用は進んでいない.しかし,反芳香族化合物には魅力的な性質があり,芳香族化合物とは異なる独自の応用があるはずである.本研究では,反芳香族化合物の効率的合成とその応用を開拓する.特に反芳香族化合物が狭いHOMO-LUMO gapをもち,安定した酸化還元特性をもつことを考慮し,二次電池の電極活物質としての応用をはかる.さらに,反芳香族化合物の効率的な新規合成法の開拓も進め,有機合成化学に立脚した反芳香族化合物独自の物質科学を展開する.Application of antiaromatic compounds has not been developed because of their synthetic difficulty and un-stable nature. However, antiaromatic compounds have attractive features. Consequently, they should have their specific applications, which are different from aromatic compounds. In this project, we planed to ex-plore the efficient synthesis and applications of antiaromatic compounds. In particular, we attempted to em-ploy antiaromatic porphyrins as electrode active materials in rechargeable batteries because of their small HOMO-LUMO gap and stable redox property. We also developed effective synthetic procedures for antiaro-matic porphyrins to establish material science of antiaromatic compounds.
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