Development of a Method to Restore RC Buildings Suffering Beam-Column Joint Failure: Development of Seismic Technologies for Smooth Reconstruction of Earthquake-Damaged Cities in Developing Countries (Project 2015)Establishing Total Utility Demand Prediction System (TUD-PS); an accurate & high time-resolution prediction for demand-side utilities based on stochastic theory for behavior schedules of urban residents, and its scenario study (Project 2013)真田 靖士69Yasushi SANADA谷本 潤70Jun TANIMOTO接合部破壊したRC建築物の復旧法の開発-途上国の地震被災都市を円滑に再生する耐震技術開発- (2015年採択)都市域居住者生活スケジュールの確率予測に基づく2次側トータル・ユーティリティ・デマンド高時間分解能予測手法の構築と都市域のピーク電力デマンド抑制策のシナリオ予測 (2013年採択)55途上国の地震災害では,不適切な設計/施工に起因する鉄筋コンクリート造(RC)建築の破壊が数多くみられる.中でも接合部の破壊は,建物の層崩壊に繋がる危険な破壊である.接合部が損傷すると被災建物が復旧できず解体・撤去される事例が多く,被災地の円滑な震災復旧を阻害する要因となっている.本研究の目的は,筆者らが先行研究で開発した接合部の耐震補強法を被災建築の復旧に応用する技術を提案し,検証することである.本研究の実験結果及びその考察結果より,とくに既存架構の最大耐力まで損傷させた後にRC袖壁により補強を施した試験体では耐力が大きく向上し,梁降伏機構を形成した.また,既存架構で見られた2階の層降伏を防止できた.さらに,補強試験体の水平耐力は,部材の曲げ耐力計算に基づいて良好に評価できた.Recent earthquake disasters in developing countries showed that many reinforced concrete buildings collapsed because of their poor design and/or construction. In particular, beam-column joint failure often caused such building collapse. Once the beam-column joint is severely damaged, it is difficult for earth-quake-damaged buildings to be restored; thus, the buildings are often demolished. Consequently, such demolition prevents smooth recovery of earthquake-affected areas. The objective of this study is to propose a method to restore earthquake-damaged reinforced concrete buildings with the beam-column joint failure and verify the effectiveness through structural tests. From the experimental results and discussions in this study, it was found that a specimen, which was installed wing walls after preliminary damage was applied, successful-ly formed a beam yielding mechanism (prevented a story collapse mechanism) showing significant improve-ment of the strength. Moreover, the lateral strength of the strengthened specimen could be evaluated based on the flexural strength computed for each member.都市居住者の生活スケジュールの確率性を考慮したTUD-PSを,都市キャノピーにおける風圧力の低減,時変性を考慮し,冷暖房のoff→onの状態遷移確率を精緻化したモデルとして組み上げ,住戸,住棟,街区,都市スケールの15分間隔時系列デマンドひいては最大デマンドの動特性を予測する大系を構築する.これを適用して,少子化,高齢化,独居および2人所帯の増加,人口の減少と云った都市居住者の構成の変化,ライフスタイルの変容が,都市域における生活行動にどのような変化をもたらし,これが2次側のユーティリティデマンドに如何なる影響を付与するかを検討した.We improved Total Utility Demand Prediction System; TUD-PS, considering diversity of urban residentsʼ be-haviors, by adding detailed dynamics of ventilation network accounting both building physics and urban cli-matology, and realistic state transition of On/ Off dynamics of HVAC due to residentsʼ behavior, which is able to predict utility demand time series of 15 minute time-resolution as well as peak demand of electric power, gas and water consumptions in any arbitral residential buildings, blocks, and even an entire city. By applying this framework, we explored how future alterations taking place in Japanese urban area such as increasing senior people with decreasing younger people and urban-lifestyle affect on utility consumption.
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