58中澤 秀雄75Hideo NAKAZAWA黒田 慶子76Keiko KURODA東アジアIndustrial Heritage Routeの定礎-江原道と九州旧産炭地 (2015年採択)Setting a Cornerstone for East Asian Industrial Heritage Route: Bridging Former Coalfields of Gangwondo and Kyushu (Project 2015)里山林の健康回復と生態系安定化のための生理学的研究 (2013年採択)Physiological studies for the reestablishment of health and stable ecosystem of the secondary forest "Satoyama" (Project 2013)become clear that (1) from the time of the earthquake to the present, the radiation response differs in each area and each nursery, and especially the further areas and nursery schools are from the nuclear power plant, the easier it has been to get back to life before the earthquake, and these areas have been the destination for refugees within the pre-fecture. Meanwhile, areas and nursery schools close to the nuclear plant underwent a process of nuclear accident oc-currence → evacuation → nursery schools closed → revocation of evacuation recommendation → nursery schools re-opened. In addition, care for children who could not receive nursery care due to nursery school closures was giv-en. (2) As for acquisition and judgment of radiation information, it was common that it was difficult to obtain infor-mation at the time of the earthquake and nurseries obtained information by their own routes. On the other hand, there were differences in the difficulty of obtaining radiation information depending on the nursery institution and the distance from the nuclear plant. It became clear that when nurseries could not obtain information from the gov-ernment, they obtained it using their own routes.旧産炭地は高齢化・財政危機・人口減などの「課題先進地域」であるが,東アジアの奇跡を下支えしたという歴史的価値を持つ.炭鉱は世界共通語とも言われる.衰退のパターンや技術基盤などの類似性を持つ東アジア産炭地間をブリッジして新しい情報・人材・資源を流入させる取り組みを緒につけ,課題解決への処方箋を見出そうとした.具体的には韓国最大の産炭地である江原道(太白・旋善)と九州の三池・高島・筑豊炭田との交流ルートを開拓し,人的・知的基盤を構築した.江原道側としても日本のまちづくりの取り組みに刺激を受け,2018年度には「全国石炭産業博物館等研修交流会」のホストを務めることになった.Although today's former coalfields are regarded as "forerunner in terms of social problems", these areas holds value to have propped the economic miracles of East Asia. Also, coalmining is said as a common language thorughout the world. Then, it is worthwhile to brige East Asian former coalfields and let information, people and resourses exchange. Ganwon-do, the largest coalfield after South Korea has built, has many similarities to Japan as declining pattern and technical base. Thanks to this Asahi-Grass grant we established the ex-change route of Ganwondo and Kyushu coalfields and also started building knowledge base to support the exchange. In 2018, Ganwon-do will host "Japan's Coal Industry Museums Training and Exchange Associa-tion".1950年代から放置され荒廃しつつある里山二次林に安定的持続性を取り戻すため,以下の目標を定めて研究を行った.(1)伝染性病害(ナラ枯れ)の被害拡大に関わる生理的・生態学的要因を明らかにし,予防医学および生態学的観点で管理方針の判断を可能にすることと,(2)里山管理に消極的な地域住民に,結果が見える形で手法を提案することである.大径のナラ類が感染枯死しやすく,樹木の生育環境としては土壌が乾燥しやすい尾根部で枯死個体が多いことを明らかにした.里山所有者である農家の管
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