栗栖 聖77Kiyo KURISUリスク表現法が住民選好にもたらす影響の定量的評価 (2013年採択)Quantitative Evaluation of Risk Expression Influences on People's Preferences (Project 2013)59理意欲を高めるため,地域の薪づくりグループとの連携を提案し,試行した.また,板材として里山広葉樹を利用したい木材業界の意向が明らかになったことから,里山管理システムの再構築を進め,行政や所有者に具体的指針を示すことができた.Secondary forests called “Satoyama” in Japanese have been left unmanaged since 1950s. To recover the healthy and stable condition to the secondary forests, the investigations were conducted on the following ob-jects: (1) To elucidate physiological factors that promote the oak mortality by “Japanese oak wilt” for the de-velopment of preventive measures and (2) to propose how to manage “Satoyama” to the forest owners who are mostly farmers. The mortality rate of oak trees was high for thick and aged trees especially glowing on the dried soil of ridges. To encourage forest owners to restart the management, I recommended them fuel wood production and to sell logs to timber industries which are seeking hardwood logs for board production. The present investigation made concrete proposals on the restart of Satoyama management to the local govern-ment and forest owners.本研究では,食品に対するリスク認知への影響因子を明らかにし,提供情報による影響を評価することを目的とした.現状のリスク認知概要調査により,食品の不安感には品目による違いに比べ産地による影響が大きく,個人特性による影響は,福島県産の食品に対しては“一般的信頼性”が,中国産の食品に対しては,“規律主義”が強く影響を与えていた.次に,リスク認知構造モデルの構築のために行った調査により,福島県産農産物と中国産加工食品のどちらの品目に対しても,「不安感」に対して「恐ろしさ」因子による影響が大きく,間接的には,「イメージ」や「管理者への信頼性」の影響が大きいことが示された.情報提供による不安感の変化については,福島県産農産物のイメージ情報,日本政府の能力情報,価値観情報の提供により有意に不安感が高くなった.中国産加工食品については,イメージ情報や中国政府の公正さに関する情報の提供により,不安感がやや下がるという結果が得られ,中国産食品の輸入事故件数や中国政府の食品への取り組みといった情報は不安感を下げる影響があると示された.In this research, we aimed to clarify factors affecting risk perception on food and to evaluate the influence by provided information. According to the current risk appraisal survey, food anxiety is more influenced by the production area than item differences. For the influence of personal characteristics, "general reliability" and "discipline" had strong influences for Fukushima's products and China's products, respectively. Next, according to the survey conducted to construct a risk-cognitive structural model, the influence of "fear" factor on "feeling of anxiety" is higher for both items of Fukushi-ma prefecture agricultural products and Chinese processed food. It was shown that the influence of "image" and "relia-bility to administrator" is large, indirectly. Regarding changes in anxiety by information provision, the sense of anxiety became significantly higher by providing the information such as "image information of Fukushima's agricultural prod-ucts," "capability information of the Japanese government," and "value information." As for China's processed foods, the results showed that the information such as "image" and "fairness of the Chinese government" slightly decreased the anxiety, and the information such as "the number of accidents imported by Chinese foods" and "the Chinese govern-ment's approach to foods" significantly decreased the anxiety.
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