94TiwaONG-IN95Chiraporn AUECHALITANUKUL96Abdul WARISAn Assessment of Distribution of Forest Partridge in Southern Peninsular Thailand (Project 2016)Effect of Bottom Ash Additions on the Microstructure of a Sintered Bronze-based Friction Material (Project 2016)Three Dimensional Core Analysis of Nuclear Spent Fuel Direct Recycling Scheme in PWR (Project 2016)67The general lack of quantitative field information is urgently needed to establish a new conservation and management action plan under the supervision of the Galliformes Specialist Group. The goals of this project are to assessment the current status of forest partridge occupying the remaining forested areas in southern Peninsular Thailand. Those species are threatened by habitat degradation and by hunting. In this study we use line transects survey to estimate the density of the focal five forest partridge species and also other Galliformes species in the Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex, where is the most north of Sundaic range of Southern Peninsular Thailand. Between July 2016 and May 2017, total of 16 line transects along the nature trail and pave road were surveyed at least once with the transect length from 1,000 to 2,000 meter. A total of 313 observations of the six species were obtained during the observation periods. Estimates of 10.2 individual/km2 for Scaly-breasted Partridge was higher than elsewhere, while 7.2 individual/km2 for Grey-Peacock-pheasant is lower than other the other forest complex, but insufficient data for density estimates for other species from distance sampling. We detected only the threatened Ferruginous Partridge with detection is very low, it presumably the cause of low density of the species with very little knows of distribution and their behavior in Thailand. Our finding was not clear of the trend of forest partridge distribution in southern peninsular Thailand. This result just is done in the most north of Sundaic range, but there are other patches of forest complex need to be surveyed in order to fulfill the knowledge of distribution and conservation for the forest partridge species. Metallic-based friction materials contain particulate additives used to adjust the frictional properties and to reduce wear. Lignite bottom ash (LBA) is a hard, ceramic powder, which is a byproduct from coal-fired power plants. It’s high hardness can increase friction and reduce wear in bronze-based friction materials. This research examined the effect of LBA additions on the resultant microstructure and properties of a sintered bronze-based frictional material. Premixed bronze, graphite and milled LBA powders were used. XRD analysis showed that the LBA did not chemically alter the bronze phase, for a sintering temperature of 600 to 750 ℃. Instead, the LBA particles were embedded in the bronze matrix. The image analysis results showed that the initial LBA additions, up to 10-15 wt.%, increased the porosity, while further LBA additions reduced the porosity of the sintered samples. The three-dimensional analysis of direct recycling of spent PWR fuel in PWR system at assembly level has been carried out. This work aims at supporting what we have called a SUPEL (Straight Utilization of sPEnt LWR fuel in LWR system) scenario. The neutronics calculations have performed by using SRAC 2006
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