97AnitaAlni98Rajesri GOVINDARAJUThermodynamic stability of anti-pyran compounds and their bioactivity against P-388 Murine Leukimia Cells (Project 2016)The Design of a Methodology for IT-Business Alignment to Support e-Commerce Implementation in SMEs (Project 2016)68code with that of JENDL 3.3 nuclear data library. The reactor criticality condition can be maintain for 4.8 a% of UO2 enrichment and up to 4.5% of spent fuel fraction in loaded fuel. The neutron spectrum is not sensitive with amount of loaded spent fuel.Natural products containing anti-pyran moiety are found abundantly in nature. Many of them showed positive results when tested with cancer cells that invoked the structure and activity relationship (SAR) study of the anti-pyran functionality towards cancer cells. It was suggested that the orientation of this isomer play an important role in its activity. Natural products containing another isomer, a pyran compound with a syn- configuration are also found in nature, however it is suggested that the two isomers might be produced from different mechanism. Thermodynamic stability of the transition state that lead to production of anti-pyran compounds was studied based on computational method namely the Gaussian method that is available in High performance Computer in Physical and Inorganic Chemistry Division. The calculation showed that the energy of syn and anti configuration of the final products are similar (-651,3218 and -651,3247 Hartree, respectively). This suggest that both of these product are thermodynamically stable and selectivity of the product depends on its transition state. However, the conformation of the transition state were unable to be obtained based on this calculation method. To complement the computational study, we carried out synthesis of compounds containing anti-pyran moiety in the laboratorium, namely Methyl 2-(4-oxo-6-phenyltetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl) acetate. Bioactivity study of this compound towards P-388 Murine Leukemia cells that are in progress. The products and its intermediate were characterized using Spectroscopic method available in our laboratory: Nuclear Magnetic resonance (NMR), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Liquid Chromatography and Mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Information technology (IT), and more specifically e-commerce implementation, is one of important issues faced by SMEs (small and medium enterprises) in their effort to improve their competitiveness. ERP (enterprise resource planning) system is a type of e-commerce application that can support companies to organize their internal business processes. Looking at ERP as a form of information systems (IS), to support ERP implementation in SMEs, IT-business alignment is one important challenge. Requirements Engineering (RE) is an important process to analyze the needs of information systems. This research is focused on designing a methodology for SMEs and identifying the company’s needs in the implementation of open source ERP. Case studies were carried out in two SMEs in the field of printing and laundry, aiming to explore the applicability of the methodology and identify the important factors that need to be considered in executing the methodology. From the individual case and the cross-case analysis, important roles of some factors were identified, namely the role of top management in providing clarity to the scope and objectives of the ERP implementation, the understanding of companies’ key performance indicators and critical success factors, the need for understanding linkages of end-users or stakeholders in accessing the ERP system, the need for a good business process understanding by employees, and also a good understanding of open source ERP system itself.
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