104Sidik PERMANARino Rakhmata MUKTI105Analysis on Effect of Different Nuclear Fuel Loading to Fuel Breeding Capability and Plutonium Proliferation Aspect in Fast Breeder Reactor (Project 2016)Eco-friendly synthesis of CHA zeolite: Introduction of mesopores for an efficient methanol-to-olefin (MTO) reaction (Project 2016)71EOR application, or CO2 for CCS application. Fluid injection greatly affects tubing corrosion rate, so special methodology is required to ensure the corrosion problem does not hamper the operation.Sustainability aspect of nuclear fuel utilization can be optimized by exploring new fresh fuel resources such as new uranium resources and thorium utilization, as well as spent nuclear fuel resources utilization as recycled fuel program and a program to increase a fuel breeding capability of the reactors. Recycling program of nuclear fuel from spent nuclear fuel resource and nuclear fuel breeding become the important issues, which affects to the nuclear fuel reprocessing and refueling facilities. Nuclear fuel sustainability aspect will be evaluated based on a fast breeder reactor (FBR) type as a reference based reactor. Different loaded fuel types such as MOX and recycled trans-uranium fuels are used as recycled fuel materials such as plutonium and minor actinide. Similar to fuel breeding ratio, obtained inventory ratio is higher than unity, which is indicated that a fuel breeding gain is achieved. It is shows that more fuel productions after reactor operation are gained than supplied fuels. Accumulated inventory ratio of plutonium and trans-uranium are evaluated as one of the parameter for fuel production in the reactor, including evaluation of reactor criticality condition and the behavior of actinide, which is produced during reactor operation. Some actinides show their own trend of composition such as composition trend of plutonium and minor actinide (MA) during reactor. Loading MA as trans-uranium fuel gives a significant improvement of inventory ratio of actinide in comparing with mixed oxide fuel type. A reduction criticality condition at the beginning of operation is obtained for transuranium fuel type in comparing with MOX fuel type. It can be estimated that more absorption neutrons occur by MA recycled which affects to less neutron production and a reduction value of excess reactivity, which is one of the safety concerns in the reactor operation. While conversion process from absorption process of MA is indicated a fuel breeding process to produce more plutonium from converted MA. More plutonium production from converte MA especially production of Pu-238 and some Pu-240 are estimated that the reactor will be more proliferation resistant based on protected plutonium proliferation. Protected plutonium proliferation is one of the control intrinsics parameter based on isotopic plutonium barrier which shows better proliferation resistance level.To date, CHA zeolites (SSZ-13 and SAPO-34) are important catalysts for the methanol-to-olefin reaction. The mesoporosity introduction to these catalysts are normally obtained merely by using additional organic templates. Hence, the exclusion of organic molecule is essential for the production of CHA zeolites. In particular to zeolite SSZ-13, previous study suggests that the preparation of SSZ-13 having mesoporosity is done via alkaline post-treatment resulting in severe damage of SSZ-13 structure. This certainly leads to significant decline of the catalytic performance. Herein, for the first time, mesoporous SSZ-13 are successfully prepared via post-synthetic route called partial detemplation-desilication. The extent of desilication in alkaline media is controlled by the remaining organics within SSZ-13 frameworks since they can virtually hinder the attack of hydroxyl ion to siloxane bonds. The obtained SSZ-13 exhibits substantial development of mesoporosity with preserved crystallinity and microporosity. In addition, the mesoporous samples show remarkable hydrothermal and hot-liquid water stability which should be useful in their use as catalysts.
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