旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2018)12JunichiTATAMI13YoshihikoOKAMOTO14TsuneakiSAKURAI15TakayukiTANAKA16MichihisaMURATA17NobuhiroYANAI18KoichiKAJIHARA19NaokiUMEZAWA20TakuHASOBE21KatsunoriSUZUKI22YasuhideINOKUMA23HisashiMASUI12Graduate School of Environ-ment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National UniversityDepartment of Applied Phys-ics, Graduate School of Engi-neering, Nagoya UniversityDepartment of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto UniversityDepartment of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto UniversityDepartment of Applied Chem-istry, Fuculty of Engineering, Osaka Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu UniversityDepartment of Applied Chem-istry for Environment, Gradu-ate School of Urban Environ-mental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityGraduate School of Pharma-ceutical Sciences, Nagoya City UniversityDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Tech-nology, Keio UniversityDepartment of Molecular and Macromolecular Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineer-ing, Nagoya UniversityDepartment of Applied Chem-istry, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido UniversityDepartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Yokohama University of PharmacyElucidation of Fracture Phenomena of Ceramics and Glass based on Evalua-tion of Fracture Properties in Meso-scale (Project 2016)Geometrically-frustrated cage com-pounds as high-performance thermo-electric materials (Project 2016)Noncontact Evaluation Technique of Intrinsic Charge Carrier Transporting Property at Heterointerfaces(Project 2016)Development of Tape-like Organic Molecules Exhibiting Multi-radical Character (Project 2016)Development of Functional Materials Based on Cyclopenta-Fused Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (CP-PAHs)(Project 2016)ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorAssistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorTowards Applications of Novel Photon Upconversion Molecular Systems(Project 2016)Development of photoluminescent silica glasses by configurational control of rare-earth ions(Project 2016)Associate ProfessorPhotoregulation of peptide function: Development of chemical tools to photocontrol LSD1 activity(Project 2016)Construction and Evaluation of Supramolecular Photovoltaic Cells Composed of Vertical P/N Junction(Project 2016)Investigation of functional materials based on bismuthabenzene as the 6th low element-incorporated aromatic system (Project 2016)Development of oligomerization methods for synthesis of structurally discrete polycarbonyl compounds using nano-reaction-space(Project 2016)Development of safe and efficient hydroformylation using flow reactor(Project 2016)Associate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorAccosiate ProfessorLecturer
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