llsrepaP detceoC fo tsiL【Research Encouragement Grants】15Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)47AkiraOIWA48TomokiABE49HidetoYANAGIHARA50KosukeKANEKO51YoshinoriTAKAO52ReinaKAJI53TomoyukiHORIKIRI54KazukiBANDO55NobuakiTERAKADO56HideakiSAKAI57ShinyaYOSHIDA58MizueMIZOSHIRI59TakashiHORIYAMAThe Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research,Osaka UniversityDepartment of Information and Electronics,Graduate school of Engineering,Tottori UniversityDepartment of Applied Physics, University of TsukubaDepartment of Life, Environ-ment, and Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of TechnologyDivision of Systems Research, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National UniversityDivision of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido UniversityFaculty of Engineering, Yokohama National UniversityDepartment of Physics,Faculty of Science,Shizuoka UniversityDepartment of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku UniversityDepartment of Physics,Osaka UniversityDepartment of Robotics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku UniversityTop Runner Incubation Center for Academia-Industry Fusion, Nagaoka University of Tech-nologyGraduate School of Science and Engineering,Saitama UniversityDevelopment of innovative spin quantum devices based on SiGe self-assembled quantum dots(Project 2015)Development of organic-inorganic hybrid structure integrated APD for ultraviolet wavelength region(Project 2015)Electric-field-induced magnetization switching via nonlinear magnetoelec-tric effect in spinel ferrite hybridfilms (Project 2015)ProfessorAssociate ProfessorProfessorPostdoc-toral ResearcherDevelopment of Liquid Crystalline Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Nanomateri-als for Blue Phases (Project 2015)Development of an Ultralow Power Electrospray Microthruster(Project 2015)Anisotropy and sign control of in-plane hole g-factor in single InAlAs quantum dots(Project 2016)Development of a two-photon source utilized for quantum technologies (Project 2016)Polariton lasers for organic crystalline microcavities of Fabry-Perot and ring types (Project 2016)Fabrication of heat transport circuit using high thermal conductivity materials with quantum spin chains(Project 2016)Study of thermoelectric and Nernst effects in magnets with Dirac fermions(Project 2016)Development of ultrahigh performance piezoelectric monocrystalline MEMS ultrasonic range finder for human-friendly robot (Project 2016)Associate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorResearch Associate ProfessorSpecially Appointed Associate ProfessorDevelopment of film thermoelectric generators on lighting glasses(Project 2016)Algorithms for enumerating/indexing developments of polyhedra(Project 2016)Associate ProfessorNatural Sciences Category 2: Physics & Information
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