llsrepaP detceoC fo tsiL17Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)68YukioKINOSHITA69AkihisaMORI70AtsushiFUJIKI71KazumaMURAKAMI72MasanobuISHIKAWA73MakotoKOBAYASHI74ArataKATAYAMA75TakashiHIRANO76KiyoshiUMEKI77KatsuhideMIYAKEDepartment of Food Produc-tion and Environmental Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate UniversityGraduate School of Global Environmental Studies,Kyoto UniversityDivision of Human Sciences, Department of Human Studies, Faculty of Nursing,Kobe City College of NursingSchool of Environmental Science,the University of Shiga Prefec-tureGraduate School of Economics, Kobe UniversityTeshio Experimental Forest, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere,Hokkaido UniversityInstitute of Materials and Systems for Sustainablility, Nagoya UniversityResearch Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido UniversityDepartment of Environmental Horticulture, Graduate School of Horticulture,Chiba UniversityDepartment of Environmental Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Tech-nology, Meijo UniversityThinking the institutional design for managing farmland and irrigation water in Japan: Comparative institu-tional analysis based on property rights regimes (Project 2016)Economic and Environmental Sustain-ability of Alternative Livelihood for Farmers in Cadmium Polluted Area in Thailand amid Stagnated Progress in Environmental Policy (Project 2016)Environmental Ethical Inquiry into the Conflicts between Public Health and Environmental Protection: Regional Comparison among Measures against Schistosomiasis Japonica(Project 2016)A causal analysis of the spillover mechanism of green curtain policy: Influence on household power savings and trust in local governments(Project 2017)Associate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorA City Scale Experimental Study on the Behavior Change of Consumers by the Input of Product Information at the Point of Purchase (Project 2012)Comprehensive understanding of the effect of advancing snow-melting on the net primary production and species diversity in forest ecosystem(Project 2014)Development of electrochemically-assisted self-sustained biological denitrification system targeting nitrate groundwater pollution (Project 2014)Assessment of the effects of distur-bances due to land-use change on the oxidative decomposition of tropical peat (Project 2015)Study on landscape-level dynamics and resilience of bird communities in forests affected by deer browsing(Project 2015)Studies on the ecology and usefulness of land crabs in long-protected forests near the coast in Hokuriku area for biodiversity conservation(Project 2016)ProfessorAssociate ProfessorProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorProfessorEnvironmental Research Grants
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