
llsrepaP detceoC fo tsiL【King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (Bangkok, Thailand)】【Institut Telnologi Bandung (Bandung, Indonesia)】19Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)89TewaritSarachanaBooonsermKeawkamnerd-pongWarasineeChaisangmong-kon909192NaruemonTantipisanuhYaowaluckMaprangRoshorm9394Supachok Tanpichai95SontipeeAimmanee96AbdulWarisAndriyanBayuSuksmono9798R. S. Joko Sarwono99AsrilPramutadi Departmrnt of Clinical Chem-istry, Faculty of Allied Health SciencesBiological Engineering Program, Faculty of EngineeringInstitute of Field roBOtics (FIBO)Pilot Plant Development and Training Institute (PDTI)Division of Biotechnology, School of Bioresources and TechnologyLearning InstituteDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of EngineeringDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesSchool of Electrical Engineer-ing and InformaticsDepartment of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial IndustryNuclear and Biophysics Research Div., Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesInvestigation of Bisphenol-A Effects associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder using Transcriptomic Profil-ing and Interactomic Analysis of Multipotent Neural Stem Cells(Project 2016)Dr. Assistant Professor Dr.Speech-Recognizing Robot for Assist-ing in Autism Therapy (Project 2017)Dr. A Cloud-Based Framework for Big Data Modeling (Project 2017)Assessing distribution status of otter species in wetlands and coastal man-grove habitats in west coast of South-ern Thailand (Project 2017)Development of Bacillus subtilis-based vaccine expressing S1 protein of Porcine Epidermic Diarrhea Virus in both vegetative cell and spore(Project 2017)Preparation of Cellulose Nanofibers Isolated from Agricultural Wastes (Project 2017)Analysis of Electrical Energy Harvest-ing Using a Piezoelectric Laminated Belleville Spring (Project 2017)Dr. Dr.Dr. Assistant Professor Dr.Three Dimensional Core Analysis of Nuclear Spent Fuel Direct Recycling Scheme in Advanced PWR(Project 2017)ProfessorA Mobile Subsurface Imaging System on A Smartphone (Project 2017)ProfessorSoundscape Perception Modelling as a base for Designing Iconic Living Space (Project 2017)Investigation of the effect of oxide film spallation on protective layer genera-tion under high-temperature lead-alloy coolant for development of generation IV reactors (Project 2017)Assistant ProfessorDr.

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