旭硝子財団 助成研究成果報告(2018)100IrwanMeilano101SonySuhandono102MitraDjamal 103FreddyHaryanto104SidikPermana105HarmanAjiwibowoRizki ArmantoMangkuto106Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun 107108VeinardiSuendoRizkitaRachmiEsyanti 10920Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, Faculty of Earth Sciences and TechnologySchool of Life Sciences & TechnologyDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesNuclear Physics and Biophys-ics Research Div., Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesOcean Engineering Program, Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringEngineering Physics Program, Faculty of Industrial TechnologyLecturerDepartment of Petroleum EngineeringDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesPlant Science and Biotechnol-ogy, School of Life Sciences and TechnologyDeformation Study in Eastern Indone-sia Based on GPS Observation Data and the Implication to Seismic Hazard of Indonesia (Project 2017)Molecular Characterization of Bego-movirus from Java and Sumatra in order to Develop Biological synthetic Agent for Viral Resistant Plant(Project 2017)Development of Glass Laser Medium Based Er3+ Doped Borate Oxide Glass(Project 2017)Development of Light Scattering Methods for Urinary Stones Diagnosis(Project 2017)Study on Transuranium Fuel Loading Effect to Fuel Breeding Capability and Nuclear Nonproliferation Aspect of Plutonium in Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) (Project 2017)Modelling Adaptation to Salinity Intrusion in Segara Anakan Estuary Due to Sea Level Rise (Project 2017)Development of Colorimetric Model Based on Spectral Combination of White LED Lamps (Project 2017)Optimization of Tubular Goods Material Selection in Injection Well for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Application - GUNDIH CCS PILOT PROJECT (Project 2017)Coffee-ring and SERRS Effect on Drop Coating Deposition Raman Substrate for Enhancement Raman Signal of Porphyrins (Project 2017)Gene Expression Related to Steviol Glycoside Synthesis Produced in Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Shoot Culture Induced with Far Red LED Light in TIS RITAⓇ Bioreactor System(Project 2017)Associate ProfessorDr.ProfessorAssistant ProfessorAssistant ProfessorLead ResearcherHead of Petroleum Study ProgramLecturerAssociate Professor
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