yrammuS 要概木矢 剛智31Taketoshi KIYA平島 剛志32Tsuyoshi HIRASHIMA昆虫脳の活動依存的な神経回路の可視化・操作による感覚情報が行動を制御する神経機構の解明(2016採択)Elucidation of neural mechanisms that sensory information regulates behavior in insect brains through activity-dependent visualization and manipulation of neural circuits (Project 2016)細胞分裂を操作し、臓器をかたち作る制御デバイスの開発(2016採択)Development of a regulator for cell division in internal organ morphogenesis(Project 2016)37Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)外界からの感覚情報に対し適切な行動によって反応することは,動物の生存や種の維持に重要である.昆虫の性フェロモンは,入力(感覚情報)と出力(性行動)が明確に対応している.本研究では,ショウジョウバエやカイコガの脳を対象に,神経活動依存的な神経回路の機能操作法を新規に確立し,性フェロモンや性行動の情報が脳で処理される経路の解明を目指した.高度な遺伝学的手法を適用できるショウジョウバエでは,性行動に伴って活動した神経回路を特異的にラベルし,さらにその神経回路を光遺伝学的手法によって再活性化することに成功した.カイコガでは,光遺伝学的な神経活動操作を高感度で可能とする手法を確立した.Responding appropriately to environmental information It is essential for the survival and prosperity of animalsʼ survival and speciesʼ prosperity to respond environmental information appropriately. Sex pher-omone-processing neural pathwayss of insects is a great model to investigate the relationship between input (sensory information) and corresponding output (sexual behavior), since they have one-to-one correspondence. In the present study, we aimed to establish methods to manipulate the activity of neural circuits in an activity-dependent manner using vinegar flies and silkmoths, to elucidate neural pathways of sex pheromone information. We succeeded in labeling and re-activating neural circuits that had been activated by sexual behavior in vinegar flies. In silkmoths, we established strains that can express highly sensitive channel rhodopsin, making it possible to manipulateenabling manipulation of mothsʼ behavior by optogenetics.生体外で臓器のかたちを任意に誘導作製するための技術創出を目指し,本研究では,生体組織の形態形成に直接寄与する細胞分裂方向を操作するデバイスの開発を行った.細胞分裂方向を操作するため,電気に着目し,直流電場環境にて多細胞組織を安定的に培養する手法を確立した.また,細胞分裂を直接可視化するために,細胞分裂操作と同時に顕微鏡ライブイメージングを行う実験系の条件を検討した.培養細胞とマウス胎仔の精巣上体細管を対象に分裂方向操作実験を行った結果,直流電場環境下で細胞分裂方向が操作可能であることがわかった.Aiming to generate a technology to induce arbitrary organ shape outside of body, I developed a device for controlling cell division orientation, directly contributing to morphogenesis of biological tissues. For this purpose, I employed electricity and established a method by which multicellular tissues were stably cultured under direct current electricity field. Moreover, live imaging conditions were examined for visualization of cell division orientation. As a result by using cultured cells and embryonic mouse epidi-dymis, I found that the cell division orientation can be controlled under direct current electric field.
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