
yrammuS 要概森 龍也39Tatsuya MORI土肥 寿文40Toshifumi DOHIテラヘルツ帯赤外・ラマン分光によるガラスの普遍的ダイナミクスの研究(2017採択)Study of universal dynamics of glass by terahertz-band infrared and Raman spectroscopy(Project 2017)超原子価ヨードニウム種の安定化:飽和炭素への酸化的炭素-炭素結合形成への展開(2014採択)Stabilization of Hypervalent Iodine Species: Development of Oxidative Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation at Saturated Carbon Atoms(Project 2014)41reorganization of synaptic molecules. Here, we succeeded in developing a new fluorescent protein named ShadowY. This probe enable us to visualize the protein-protein interactions and the protein activity by 2-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. Furthermore, we succeeded in visualiz-ing the activity of CaMKII in an awake mouse.ガラスの物理における未解決問題の一つである,ボゾンピークと呼ばれるテラヘルツ帯の普遍的励起に対し,テラヘルツ時間領域分光法を主とした分光研究を行った.対象としては,学術上重要な位置を占めるシリカガラスを初め,様々な機能性ガラスについて分光研究を行った.特に,ガラスセラミクス(結晶化ガラス)に関するボゾンピーク研究は,ガラスの結晶化度をテラヘルツ光で決定できる可能性を持ち,応用上の需要も期待できる.また,ボゾンピークに加え,従来見過ごされてきた,高分子ガラスに普遍的に現れると考えられるフラクタルダイナミクスのテラヘルツ光検出の可能性を示すことにも成功した.We performed a spectroscopic study by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and low-frequency Raman scatter-ing on the universal excitation in the terahertz region, called boson peak (BP), which is one of unsolved prob-lems in glass physics. Terahertz spectroscopic research on the BP of various functional glass, including silica glass which is important for fundamental study of glass, was carried out. In particular, the BP research on glass ceramics has the possibility to determine the crystallinity of amorphous with terahertz light, and can also be ex-pected to develop on application. In addition, we showed the possibility of detecting fractal dynamics which universally appears in polymer glass, with terahertz light.本研究では,ヨードニウム塩の新規反応性を利用した sp3 C−H 結合の活性化や sp3 炭素との結合を有する新規ヨードニウム塩を利用したカップリング反応による,新規炭素ー炭素結合形成法の実現に向けての展開を行った.その結果として,sp3 炭素ラジカルの発生や一電子酸化を反応の駆動力とする,ヨードニウム塩リガンド移動型の新規カップリング反応を今回開発した.さらに,sp3 炭素−超原子価ヨウ素結合を持つヨードニウム塩の不斉カップリングへの応用が可能な,精微に構造設計された酸素架橋型キラルヨウ素触媒を新たにいくつか開発した.In this research, we have extended our study for realization of new carbon-carbon bond-forming method based on the sp3 C-H activation utilizing new reactivity of iodonium salts as well as the coup-ling reactions using new iodonium salts connected with sp3 carbon. As a result, new coupling reactions accompanying carbon ligand transfer from iodonium salts based on the generation of sp3 carbon rad-ical and single-electron oxidation as a driving force have been realized this time. In addition, we have newly developed several structural finely-designed oxygen-bridged chiral iodide catalysts that can ap-ply for the asymmetric coupling of iodonium salts having sp3 carbon-hypervalent iodine bond.Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)

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