yrammuS 要概中村 将志時分割X線回折による電極反応のオペランド観測43Masashi NAKAMURA後藤由季子44Yukiko GOTOH(2015採択)Operand observation during electrode reaction using time resolved X-ray diffraction(Project 2015)原がん遺伝子Aktの細胞運動・がん浸潤制御メカニズムの解明(2014採択)Roles of the protooncogene Akt in regulation of cell migration and invasion(Project 2014)43Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)固液界面においてイオン種や溶媒種は電気二重層を形成し,その構造は電極電位や表面構造に依存する.電気二重層では,外部ヘルムホルツ面と呼ばれる表面から離れた場所に水和されたイオン種が存在し,水素結合や静電力など非共有結合性の相互作用より安定化されている.このように溶液バルクとは異なった環境のため,電極反応にも大きく影響を及ぼす.電極反応機構を理解するためには,電気二重層内でのイオンの移動などリアルタイムでの構造観測が必要とされる.本研究では,時分割X線回折およびX線光子相関分光を用いて,電気二重層内の界面イオン種の動的過程を追跡した.At the electrode/electrolyte interface, ionic species and solvents construct the electric double layer (EDL) de-pending on the electrode potential and surface structure. In the EDL, some hydrated ionic species located at the outer Helmholtz plane are stabilized as non-specifically adsorbed species through non-covalent interaction such as hydrogen bonded and electrostatic interactions, which significantly governs the activity of various electrochemical reactions. Real time observation of interfacial species is necessary to elucidate the mecha-nism of electrochemical reactions. In this study, structural dynamics of interfacial ionic species was observed by using time-resolved X-ray diffraction and X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy.Aktは細胞の増殖・生存・代謝など種々の現象を制御する.Aktは様々ながんで活性化していること,またAktの活性化ががんの悪性度と高い相関を示すことから,Aktは非常に魅力的な抗がん剤のターゲットであるといえる.しかしながら,Aktの活性をすべて止めてしまうと細胞の生存やインスリン経路など代謝状態を損ない甚大な副作用が起こるため,「選択的な阻害剤」の創出が必須となるが,そのような戦略は未だほとんど実現していない.私達のグループはこれまでに,Aktが哺乳類細胞の運動性・浸潤能を制御すること,PAKがAktの細胞運動に関する機能を選択的に促進すること,を明らかにしてきた.本研究では,私達のこれらの発見を応用し,PAKとAktの結合阻害分子がAktのがん悪性化に関わる機能を特異的に阻害することを示した.本研究の成果は,副作用の少ないがん悪性化抑制薬の開発に貢献するものと考えている.The proto-oncogene Akt is a key regulator of a wide range of cellular processes including cell prolifera-tion, survival and metabolism. Since Akt is frequently activated in many types of cancers and Akt activa-tion is often associated with tumor invasiveness, Akt is a valid molecular target for cancer therapy. Al-though Akt inhibitors can slow tumor growth and progression, direct inhibition of Akt often causes serious side effects such as cellular toxicity as well as impairment of glucose metabolism. We have pre-viously found that Akt can promote cell migration and invasion in mammalian cells. We also found that PAK serves as a scaffold protein that selectively regulates the cell motility-related function of Akt. In this study, we found that prevention of the interaction between PAK and Akt can suppress the motility-re-lated function of Akt, without affecting other functions of Akt. Therefore, an inhibitor that blocks Akt binding to PAK might have a therapeutic potential for the treatment of tumor malignancy.
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