yrammuS 要概鷹尾 祥典51YoshinoriTAKAO鍜治 怜奈52ReinaKAJI超小型・超省電力エレクトロスプレー式マイクロ宇宙推進機の実現(2015採択)Development of an Ultralow Power Electrospray Microthruster(Project 2015)単一InAlAs量子ドットの正孔面内g因子の異方性と符合制御の研究(2016採択)Anisotropy and sign control of in-plane hole g-factor in single InAlAs quantum dots(Project 2016)47electrically controllable Bragg diffraction of visible light and a photonic band. However, the limitation of the available temperature range, only a few kelvin of blue phases, has always been a problem. There has been great interest recently in the fabrication of metal nanoparticles/liquid crystals composites. In this study, we investigated the expansion of temperature range and the improvement of the electro-optical properties of blue phases doped with gold nanoparticles. Gold nanoparticles chemically modified with mesogenic coatings were prepared in order to obtain good dispersity and miscibility of the nanoparticles into liquid crystals. We report the results of detailed electro-optical studies using the gold nanoparticles which facilitate further applications of hybrid materials, and the method of the improvement in the miscibility of the nanoparticles into liquid crystals is examined from the viewpoint of material design.本研究では,イオン液体を利用したエレクトロスプレースラスタを実現するため,まずMEMSプロセスの微細加工技術を利用して250-500μm間隔のエミッタアレイをシリコンウェハ上に製作し,その電圧電流特性を測定した.その結果,エミッタとエクストラクタの電極間距離0.2 mmにおいて±1.6 kV の両極性電圧を印加することでEMI-BF4のイオン液体からイオンビームを引き出すことができた.このイオンビームの軌道解析には粒子計算モデルを利用した.また,エレクトロスプレースラスタの推力密度を上げるため,電界放出電子源(FEA: Field Emitter Array)の製作プロセスを利用することで,エミッタ間隔が5μmとなる超高実装密度エミッタアレイも製作した.We have fabricated 250- and 500-μm pitch emitters on a silicon wafer by a MEMS process to develop ionic liquid electrospray thrusters, and measured the voltage-current characteristics. The ion beams of EMI-BF4 ionic liquid were able to be extracted at the applied voltage of ±1.6 kV for the gap distance of 0.2 mm between the emitter and the extractor electrodes. Particle-based numerical simulations have also been carried out to investigate the mechanism of ion beam extraction. To increase the thrust dens-ity of electrospray thrusters, we have also fabricated an ultra-high-density emitter array by applying field-emitter-array (FEA) fabrication process, where the emitter pitch can be reduced to 5μm.半導体量子ドットに代表される半導体ナノ構造中に局在するスピンのコヒーレンス時間は,最終的には超微細相互作用(局在キャリアスピンとナノ構造を構成する原子核スピン間の交換相互作用)でその上限が決まる.本研究では,超微細相互作用の影響が無視できる正孔スピンの任意制御を目標として,その必要条件である「面内g因子の絶対値制御と符合反転」を単一量子ドット試料への外部歪み印加によって実証することを目指した.圧電素子を用いた歪み印加デバイスの設計・作製に加え,正孔g因子の面内異方性や電子・正孔g因子の符号判定法の開発,横磁場配置での面内核磁場形成機構の解明にも着手した.Spin coherence time of the confined carrier in semiconductor nanostructures such as quantum dots is Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)
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