
yrammuS 要概寺門 信明55NobuakiTERAKADO酒井 英明56Hideaki SASAKI量子スピン鎖系高熱伝導材料を用いた熱輸送回路の創出(2016採択)Fabrication of heat transport circuit using high thermal conductivity materials with quantum spin chains(Project 2016)ディラック電子系磁性体における異常熱磁気効果を利用した熱電変換(2016採択)Study of thermoelectric and Nernst effects in magnets with Dirac fermions(Project 2016)49It is expected that polaritons in semiconductor microcavities bring about Bose-Einstein condensation which is macroscopic quantum states and the condensed states give rise to polariton lasers which is spontaneous coherent emission. Organic semiconducting materials are expected to induce the polari-ton lasing at room temperature because of their large exciton binding energies and their large Rabi splitting energies. However, relaxation processes of the polaritons have not been elucidated yet. We have developed unique fabrication methods of Fabry-Pérot and ring cavities including organic crystal-line active layers and have observed their polariton photoluminescence at room temperature. The re-search toward the polariton lasers have been performed using the two microcavities.電子デバイスの高集積化は同時に発熱密度の増大の原因となる.そのため,時々刻々と変化する熱分布に応じて熱の流量や方向を制御することは排熱効率の向上や熱の再利用の観点からも重要である.そこで本研究では,異方的高熱伝導性と外場制御能を有するスピン熱伝導物質を用いて,熱の時空間制御を可能にする熱輸送回路の作製を目指した.その結果,配向したスピン鎖構造からなる高熱伝導路のレーザーパターニングと熱伝導コントラストの観察に成功した.さらに,スピン熱伝導の源であるスピン秩序の電界スイッチングの可能性について調査した.High integration in the electronic devices gives rise to high densification of waste heat. Therefore, for effective exhaustion and reuse of heat, it is significant to control heat flow and its direction in response to heat distribution depending on time. In this study, we aim to fabricate heat transport circuit enabling the tempo-spatial control of heat using spin thermal conductivity materials that exhibit anisotropic, high thermal conductivity and its controllability by external field. Consequently, we achieved laser pat-terning of high thermal conductivity paths of the oriented spin chain structure and observed the con-trast in thermal conductivity. Moreover, we investigated the ability of electric-filed switching of the spin ordering, which is the origin of heat flow in the materials.近年,電子状態が相対論的方程式で記述できるディラック電子系物質は,超高移動度や新奇な量子伝導特性のため,基礎・応用の両面から関心を集めている.本研究ではこの熱電応用を狙い,バルクの多層ディラック電子系物質に注目した.この中でも,ブロック層の磁気秩序による伝導制御が可能なEuMn-Bi2を中心に,本物質系の熱電・熱磁気(ゼーベック・ネルンスト)効果の全貌を解明することを目的とした.この結果,ディラック電子特有の高い移動度に起因する優れた電力因子や,ゼーベック信号に匹敵する大きなネルンスト信号の観測に成功した.さらに,磁気秩序が熱電現象と強くカップルしていることを実証した.Recently, so-called Dirac materials have attracted much attention from the research fields of funda-mental science and device application for their fascinating quantum transport properties. In this study, Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)

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