
yrammuS 要概小塚 裕介62Yusuke KOZUKA脇田 健裕63TakehiroWAKITAナノエレクトロニクス素子としての反強磁性絶縁体における磁壁伝導の研究(2015採択)Magnetic domain wall conduction in antiferromagnetic insulators for nanoelectronics devices(Project 2015)東南アジアにおける在来構法の類型化~タイの場合~(2016採択)Classification of conventional construction method in Southeast Asia: In the case of Thailand(Project 2016)53Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)パイロクロア型Ir酸化物は,希土類とIrの副格子が四面体を基調とする結晶構造を持ち,それらのイオンに属するスピンはall-in-all-outと呼ばれる反強磁性的な配置を取る.この物質がall-in-all-out磁気構造を取るとき,電気伝導は絶縁体的となるが,all-in-all-out磁気構造の磁壁ではトポロジカルな電子状態を持った金属的な伝導層が現れると理論的に予測され,バルクでは実験的に確認された.本研究では,人工ヘテロ構造を作製し,磁壁を任意に生成・消滅させることを目的とした.結果として,異なる希土類を持つパイロクロア型Ir酸化物薄膜の磁気ドメインを独立に制御することで,磁壁伝導の観測と制御に成功した.Pyrochlore Ir oxides possess a crystal structure composed from tetrahedral network of rare-earth and Ir ions, where spins at these ions exhibit an antiferromagnetic structure called all-in-all-out. In the pres-ence of all-in-all-out spin structure, this material is electrically insulating, but the domain wall of the all-in-all-out magnetic structure has been theoretically predicted to be metallic with a topological elec-tronic structure, which has been experimentally confirmed in bulk. In this study, we aim at creating and annihilating the magnetic domain wall by fabricating artificial heterostructures. As a result, we succeed in observing and controlling the magnetic domain wall conduction by independently controlling the magnetic domains of pyrochlore Ir oxide thin films with different rare-earth ions.本研究では,東南アジア諸国における良質な住環境とそれを支える建築生産システムの構築に資することを目的とした調査及び検討を行っている.本調査の対象地域はタイ王国の各地域とし,大別してバンコク周辺の都市部と地方山村地域とした.タイの各地域で現存する標準的住宅について,材料や各部構法のほか,職能,道具,構法の伝承,間取り,建材の物商流について視察及びヒアリングによる現地調査を実施した.これらの基礎データを基に今後東南アジア各国の住宅建築構法に関するデータベース構築を目指す.In this research, we are investigating and examining for the purpose of contributing to the construction of high quality living environment in Southeast Asian countries and the building production system supporting it. The area covered by this survey is each region of the Kingdom of Thailand, and it is roughly divided into urban areas around Bangkok and rural mountain village areas. We surveyed the materials and the construction methods of various parts of the building, the tradition of the functions, the tools, the construction method, the layout of the building, and the merchandise flow of the build-ing materials, for the existing standard housing in each region of Thailand. Based on these basic data, we will construct a database on housing construction method in Southeast Asia.

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