
yrammuS 要概瀧野 敦夫66Atsuo TAKINO西城戸 誠67Makoto NISHIKIDO大規模解析を用いた社寺建築物の耐震性能解明に関する研究(2014採択)Analytical study on Seismic Behavior of Shrines and Temples based on Large-scale Simulation(Project 2014)コミュニティの再編に対する復興支援員制度の比較研究−津波被災地の復興と原発県外避難者への支援を通じて(2015採択)Comparative Study about the reconstruciton support group for community realignment(Project 2015)55Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)本研究では,実験と3次元FEM解析とを併用して伝統木造構法建築物である社寺建築物の耐震性能を明らかにすることを目的とする.土壁構面の静的加力実験と振動台実験を実施し,その破壊性状を検証するとともに,3次元FEM解析モデルの妥当性を検証した.また,新築の木造三重塔の調査を実施し,3次元CADモデルを作成することで複雑に入り組んだ木造三重塔のディテール調査を実施し,フレーム解析により地震応答解析を行った.最後に,既存の寺院建築をモデル化した大規模モデルを用いて地震応答解析を行うとともに,部分要素による解析から柱の傾斜復元力特性を解析的に検証した.In this study, the experiment and 3D-FEM analyses of traditional timber structures such as temples and shrines were performed in order to clarify the seismic performance. The 3D analytical method to the mud wall is proved to be valid compared with the experimental results of in-plane shear test and shak-ing table test. Also, the field survey of new-built wooden three-stories pagoda based on the Japanese traditional construction method was conducted and non-linear analyses by using 3D multi-frame mod-els were conducted in order to clarify the dynamic behavior in earthquake. Finally, the earthquake re-sponse analysis was conducted using the large-scale analytical model based on the existing temple in order to verify the restoring force by rocking column.本研究の目的は,東日本大震災による津波被災地の復興と,原発災害による県外避難者に対する復興支援員の活動の実態を把握し,復興支援員制度の実効性について考察することである.津波被災地の復興支援員の調査からは,復興支援員事業のプロセスと,復興支援員の活動の継続性の関連について明らかにした.県外避難者支援の復興支援員事業については,避難者の戸別訪問と,避難者コミュニティの形成という2つの支援のパターンと課題について析出した.さらに,復興支援員事業の制度運用者である自治体と,復興支援事業の受託団体によって,復興支援員事業の性格が決まり,活動内容の質的,量的な違いも現れる点が明らかになった.The purpose of this research is to grasp the actual condition of activity of the reconstruction assistance member to regeneration of the tsunami stricken area by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and activity of the reconstruction assistance member to the evacuee from radiation damage. Moreover, we con-sider the effectiveness of a reconstruction assistance member system. From investigation of the recon-struction assistance member of a tsunami stricken area, we clarified about the process of a reconstruc-tion assistance member enterprise, and the relation of the continuity of activity of the reconstruction assistance member. We also consider that two support patterns which was called an evacuee's door-to-door visit and formation of an evacuee community which reconstruction assistance member carried out. Furthermore, we clarified that the qualitative and quantitative difference of activity of a reconstruc-tion assistance member enterprise.

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