
yrammuS 要概藤木 篤70Atsushi FUJIKI村上 一真71Kazuma MURAKAMI公衆衛生と環境保全の相反を巡る環境倫理学的考察:日本住血吸虫病対策事業の地域別比較研究から(2016採択)Environmental Ethical Inquiry into the Conflicts between Public Health and Environmental Protection: Regional Comparison among Measures against Schistosomiasis Japonica (Project 2016)緑のカーテン普及施策の効果波及メカニズムの分析:個人の節電行動と行政への信頼に与える影響を中心に(2017採択)A causal analysis of the spillover mechanism of green curtain policy: Influence on household power savings and trust in local governments(Project 2017)57Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)公衆衛生の向上のために,自然環境を改変しなければならないことがある.では公衆衛生向上の一環としての自然環境改変はどこまで許容されるのだろうか.わが国における日本住血吸虫病対策事業の歴史は,この問いが関係する典型的な事例である.一方で,従来の環境倫理学は,このような問いや事例を想定してこなかったために,具体的な回答を行うことが難しい.本研究は,流行地各地の日本住血吸虫病対策事業を振り返り,各々の歴史と地域差を比較検討した上で,その結果を既存の環境倫理学のフレームワークに導入することで,これまでほぼ顧みられることの無かった「公衆衛生と環境保全の相反」という問題を扱える,新たな環境倫理学を創成することを目的とするものである.Sometimes we must modify natural environment to promote the public health. Then, how much is per-missible for the natural environment alteration as part of improvement in public health? The history of measures against schistosomiasis japonica in Japan is the typical case concerning with this question. It is, however, difficult for conventional environmental ethics to make a concrete response because they have not supposed such question and case. The main purpose of this study is to establish a new envir-onmental ethics that can deal with the almost ignored problem entitled “the conflicts between public health and environmental protection”. To achieve that goal, I will look back on the measures against schistosomiasis japonica in each endemic area to compare the regional difference of them and will try to introduce these results into the framework of conventional environmental ethics.「緑のカーテン普及という行政施策の成果も含む,近隣家庭や街なかの緑のカーテンの存在」が与える影響について,他者との関わりも通じた,緑のカーテンの実施意欲とその判断時意識への影響の分析(分析1)と,緑のカーテン普及施策の評価も通じた,屋内での節電行動および温暖化防止政策全般に係る行政への信頼に対する影響の分析(分析2)を実施した.2つの自治体の住民への質問票調査データの分析(共分散構造分析,多母集団同時分析等)により,緑のカーテンによる電気代節約と環境配慮の効果に期待しないほうが,緑のカーテンの実施意欲は高まること,温暖化防止政策の一部でしかない緑のカーテン普及施策への評価は,温暖化防止政策全般に係る行政への信頼にもつながることなどを明らかにした.This study examined the influence of the presence of green curtains in neighboring buildings and streets on peopleʼs willingness to nurture green curtains (analysis 1), and on their power saving behavior and trust in administrative policies for global warming prevention (analysis 2). For this, the results of administrative measures for widespread installation of green curtains were considered. Data obtained from residents of two municipalities through questionnaire survey were analyzed by using structural equation modeling. The proposed model shows that willingness to nurture green curtains increases when the expectations regarding electricity saving and environmental consideration is low. Furthermore, trust in administrative policies for global warming prevention was raised when administrative measures for widespread installation of green curtains are highly evaluated.

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