yrammuS 要概92Naruemon TantipisanuhYaowaluck Maprang Roshorm93Assessing distribution status of otter species in wetlands and coastal mangrove habitats in west coast of Southern Thailand(Project 2017)Development of Bacillus subtilis-based vaccine expressing S1 protein of Porcine Epidermic Diarrhea Virus in both vegetative cell and spore(Project 2017)67that can aid humans in big data analytics pursuits. The proposed system should be able to understand data science problems and predictive targets, perform feature engineering, and automatically fit machine learning models to any specified problem. We developed an event-based feature synthesis which can generate features automatically from multiple data tables and perform feature selection on the fly. To test the robustness of our framework, we put our data science bot to test in multiple public data science challenges and compare the usefulness of our feature sets against well-established Deep Feature Synthesis framework. The result of this work will shorten big data project life cycles, reduce the cost of big data technology, and make advanced analytics more accessible to Thai enterprises.Information regarding several globally threatened small mammalian carnivore species in Thailand comes from surveys of terrestrial forests, leaving knowledge gaps in other important ecosystems. This project aimed to evaluate the distribution and status of two otter species (Asian Small-clawed Otter [ASCO] and Smooth-coated Otter [SMO]) in mangrove forests of southern Thailand. From July 2016 to May 2018, surveys were conducted in three provinces (Ranong, Phang-nga and Krabi), covering 3,325 sq.km. In total, 594 line-transects were surveyed, 558 locations were camera-trapped (totalling 11,563 trap-days) in 133 grid cells (5 x 5 km), and 163 local people were interviewed. From our analysis of the camera-trap data, ASCO occupied approximately 44% of the surveyed area while SMO occupied 63%. If otters were present, the chance of detecting ASCO by camera trap was approximately 8% per survey day within surveyed grids, while for SMO it was 22%. Probabilities of occupancy of both otter species were positively related to the amount of aquaculture and mangrove forest in a given area. Regarding activity patterns, both species were diurnal, having activities mainly from 6AM to 6PM and there was 77% overlap between the species. More than half of the local fishermen interviewed (56%) believed that currently otter populations were declining compared with the past 20-30 years (1987-1997) mainly due to habitat conversion, anthropogenic activities and prey depletion.Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) is a mucosal pathogen that causes severe diarrhea in piglets; thus, a vaccine capable of inducing gut-mucosal immune response is crucial for controlling PEDV infection. Bacillus subtilis has been considered a choice for vaccine delivery to the gut mucosa. The aim of this study was to generate recombinant B. subtilis strains capable of producing a vaccine antigen derived from PEDV spike (S) protein in both vegetative cell and spore. The antigen PEDVSME was newly designed based on PEDV spike protein. and used in this study. Two promoters, PrrnO and PgsiB-PsecA, were compared for an early and high yield expression of PEDVSME in germinating spore and vegetative cell of B. subtilis. PgsA was fused to PEDVSME (PgsA-PEDVSME) for surface display of the antigen on the vegetative cell. The antigen genes containing promoter were integrated into amyE locus of B. subtilis 168 chromosome. Tested by Western blot, PgsA-PEDVSME was detected only in cleaved products. PrrnO could express PEDVSME as early as 3 h after spore inoculation, while PEDVSME expressed by PgsiB-PsecA could be detected at 18 h post-spore inoculation. Thus, promoter PrrnO was chosen for further study. Next, a recombinant B. subtilis strain, designated strain BPJ05, was generated. PEDVSME was fused with CotB (CotB-PEDVSME) for spore surface display. The cotB-PEDVSME gene was introduced into B. subtilis 168 chromosome at thrC Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)
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