yrammuS 要概96AbdulWarisAndriyan BayuSuksmono9798R.S.Joko SarwonoThree Dimensional Core Analysis of Nuclear Spent Fuel Direct Recycling Scheme in Advanced PWR(Project 2017)A Mobile Subsurface Imaging System on A Smartphone(Project 2017)Soundscape Perception Modelling as a base for Designing Iconic Living Space(Project 2017)69Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2018)The three-dimensional analysis of direct recycling of spent PWR fuel in Advanced PWR for the whole reactor core has been conducted. Westinghouse AP1000 has been selected as the evaluated Advanced PWR in the present study. This research is a part our long-term strategy for spent nuclear fuel management that has been called as the SUPEL (Straight Utilization of sPEnt LWR fuel in LWR system) scenario. The 3D neutronic calculations of the core were carried out by using CITATION module of SRAC 2006 code with the JENDL 4.0 nuclear data library. The reactor can maintain the criticality condition with 3.6 a% of UO2 enrichment and up to 8.0% of spent fuel fraction in loaded fuel.We present a magnetic subsurface imaging system on a smart-phone that employs the built-in magnetometer. The smart-phone's sensor measures magnetic field strength at sparse locations on a user-defined grid of the surveyed area. Based on the collected data, magnetic field distribution of the entire area is then reconstructed by using an interpolation algorithm, which yields field values in all of three-axial directions. Since the field shows the influence of the buried objects within the surveyed area to the background magnetic fields, the shape and size of the objects can be derived from the image representing the field. An implementation of the system as an application software on Android smart-phone, which consists of data measurement and reconstruction subsystems, is also described. We demonstrate the capability of the proposed system by performing subsurface imaging of small hidden objects in a laboratory test-range. This study tries to analyze the soundscape of iconic urban space to understand the interaction between sound objects and the human perception. Three approaches used in this study: The in-situ study, laboratory experiment, and analysis of the expectation of those iconic spaces.The in-situ study shows that the perception of the iconic space is related more to the human activity compared to the traffic noise. Further analysis conducted by simulating the sound environment using soundscape simulator to give the model of perception related to three perceptions: relaxation, dynamic, and communication. The perception models have been developed using linear regression and logistic regression. The soundscape simulator also has been developed further in order to do a web-based analysis. The expectation of the iconic urban spaces analysis shows that people’s memory can be used to understand the perception of iconic space without conducting the in-situ experiment.
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